Lucy Beaumont splits opinion as she says piercing babies' ears should be 'illegal'

Lucy shocked fans earlier this year by announcing she is divorcing husband Jon Richardson
Lucy shocked fans earlier this year by announcing she is divorcing husband Jon Richardson -Credit:UKTV

Hull comedy sensation Lucy Beaumont has ignited a fiery debate after criticising a high-street chain for offering ear-piercing services to babies.

The 40-year-old television personality, who recently revealed her separation from comedian Jon Richardson after a nine-year marriage, called out high-street jewellery chain Claire's for offering the service. She expressed her outrage at the practice of piercing infants' ears, which she claimed to witness causing youngsters' distress.

While ear-piercing in babies is a common cultural practice in various parts of the globe and is widely accepted, Lucy firmly believes it should be prohibited. She argues that not only should parents be stopped from piercing their babies' ears, but also businesses that facilitate such practices should face consequences.

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Lucy made her stance unequivocally clear on Saturday as she vented her frustration on social media. Posting on X, she said: "Why isn't it illegal to pierce a baby's ears? @claires ... I'd like to boycott them to make it stop, it's mental, I recently saw a baby go from smiley and happy to in complete shock and in pain.. plus the risk of infection. Babies don't need earrings! #boycottclairesaccesories."

Her outburst garnered some backing, with one individual posting: "I've been in Claire's in Bromley while a baby is having their ears pierced. It was the most heartbreaking cry... If I see someone come in to have it done I now immediately leave", reports the Mirror.

Lucy echoed this sentiment and added: "I've left @claires numerous times to the sound of high pitched piercing cries that you hear echo in shopping centres - sat on a parents knee- sometimes they like to do it next to the window so you can look in and see it happen, isn't it time to make it illegal? @NSPCC."

Another user shared their experience: "I complained once after watching a toddler basically get held down. Response was basically a shrug."

This prompted Lucy to respond: "Mental @claires."

Additionally, another supporter stated: "Body piercing should require the informed consent of the person whose body it is."

However, there are those who defend the practice of piercing at a young age, with one counterargument being: "Babies scream when they have their jabs and get over it pretty quickly. I've had my ears pierced since I was a baby and I'm absolutely fine, no PTSD, nothing."

In England and Wales, there is no statutory age restriction for piercings, although piercing intimate parts of under-16s could be deemed an offence. In contrast, Scottish law mandates an age of consent for piercings at 16 years old.