Lucy Hale sparks Pretty Little Liars movie rumours during charity reunion

Pretty Little Liars: Rex Features
Pretty Little Liars: Rex Features

During a Pretty Little Liars online reunion, Lucy Hale — who played teen Aria Montgomery in the series — discussed the possibility of a sequel film.

'When are you going back to do Pretty Little Liars?“ said Hale. “I always get asked about when we're doing a movie. People always think we're doing a movie, I think we just need to do it.”

Ian Harding who played English teacher Ezra Fitz quipped: “If it does happen, it has to be pretty extreme. Like I want in the first 10 minutes, one of the people in this Zoom call right now dies.”

During their conversation, which was taking place to raise money for Feeding America, the cast also speculated on the fate of their characters.


Marlene King, Pretty Little Liars’ showrunner, assured fans that Troain Bellisario and Keegan Allen's characters Spencer and Toby are “totally still together".

“Spencer definitely is practising law, and Toby is building little mini houses for homeless vets. So they're rocking it. They probably have kids already,” the 57-year-old said.

Tyler Blackburn reflected on his character Caleb Rivers' controversial hook-up with Spencer.

“It obviously caused a little backlash, but there's no such thing as bad press, you know what I mean?” Blackburn said.

"I was obviously a Haleb shipper, as they say, but it was awesome to just mix it up and I feel like the show also was taking a little bit more of an adult turn then. Troian and I did a lot of like suggested nudity that I had never really done.”


Bellisario added: “A lot of fans got upset about it, but I still feel like some of the scenes that came out of it — like that scene between me, Ashley, and Tyler, I think it's one of my favourite scenes.

“I think it was just wonderful material and it was so exciting to open up those sides of our characters.”

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