Lucy Letby mystery as prosecutors have 'no idea' why nurse killed 7 babies

Lucy Letby during her arrest
-Credit: (Image: Cheshire Constabulary/PA Wire)

Killer nurse Lucy Letby will die behind bars after receiving another whole life order for the attempted murder of a baby. The 34-year-old killed seven babies in her care in a case that disturbed the nation.

And now prosecutors have said that they have "no idea" why she committed the terrible acts. Sickeningly, Letby comforted grieving loved ones of the babies she had killed during their time in a neonatal ward.

Ms Williams, of CPS Mersey Cheshire's Complex Casework Unit, said: "Lucy Letby has now been sentenced for another dreadful crime - the attempted murder of yet another baby. This has been an incredibly difficult, complex and disturbing case. A trained nurse tasked with looking after the most vulnerable babies used her craft and her skills to become a killer.

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"She stood by as the parents of the babies she had killed or tried to kill, grieved and pretended to try and comfort them, all along knowing she was the person responsible. The savagery of her actions has been difficult for the prosecution team to comprehend and has devastated the lives of the families of these babies."

Lucy Letby
Lucy Letby -Credit:Cheshire Constabulary/PA Wire

She added: "We still have no idea why she committed these crimes. But the Crown Prosecution Service does not have to prove a motive, we simply need to prove that the defendant committed the crime. Two separate juries have now found her guilty and the sentence passed means she will never be released from prison. We know that is little comfort to the families, and our thoughts are with all of them again today."

Letby was a neonatal nurse and was convicted in 2023 of killing seven babies in her care between 2015 and 2016 and attempting to murder six others, The Mirror reports. This week, she was found guilty of a further count of attempted murder after a retrial.