Luisa Zissman Accused Of April Fools Prank After She Reveals She Is Pregnant

Luisa Zissman has been accused of poking fun at infertility after seemingly posting an April Fools joke that she is expecting.

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The 28 year old tweeted to say that she was expecting a baby, however, despite her spokesperson confirming the news, her followers were quick to criticize.

With the test reading positive, the reality star captioned the image with two baby emojis – prompting some to question whether she could be expecting twins.

However, others are more cynical about the tweet and have branded it as not only potential April Fools Day joke but an offensive one at that.

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One wrote: “Not cool at all, many people can’t conceive… Assuming this is April Fools otherwise congrats (sic)”

Another added: “abit of a s*** joke, not thought about people who can’t have a child or maybe lost a baby? (sic)

Luisa is rumoured to have secretly married her partner, Andrew Collins, last summer and the former Aapprentice star is already Mum to a daughter, Dixie who is six.

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However, spokesperson for the star told Mirror Online they were, "really happy to confirm Luisa’s pregnancy”, maintaining that the news is true.

Luisa has since tweeted to say that she didn’t even relaise the date and that the news is 100% true.

“Is it April fools day today? I didn’t realize,” she wrote.