'Luxury' Surrey apartments turn into 'living hell' for residents plagued by squelching carpets and mould
Dank mouldy homes that flood when it rains have turned the lives of families sold the dream of “luxury” apartments into a nightmare. Residents of the Earhart Apartments in Addlestone say they have been forced to live under the leaking roof for years despite their pleas with developers Redrow to fix it.
The most recent effort to make the building watertight began in January but the problem remains. The developers have said they understand the frustration of residents and apologised for the time it’s taken to reach this stage.
Those forced to live in homes, where the carpets squelch when walked on say they want action, not words. Rüdiger Dikty-Daudiyan said: “They haven't been able to solve the issue here for five years. We’ve had similar emails and promises before. It’s just not good enough after five years."
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“We have a mother raising a newborn in a home full of mould. Most of the people who live in the building are young professionals. It's our first home and it's just been a nightmare since the beginning, It's a living hell.”
He says there has been a generator blasting out noise for years as various workers have come and gone on the site as they look to solve what he says is either a construction or drainage issue. Mr Dikty-Daudiyan said: “The top flat has been completely flooded two times and the people there have left.
“Whenever there is rain it comes from the top down and even comes down the staircases. It just the smell of mould.” According to the Redrow website the sold out block is advertised as an opportunity to buy a “luxury apartment in Addlestone.” The blocks are split between social housing and leaseholders.
He added: “The state of the development is not what we bought. We were sold premium apartments by Redrow and basically we’re living in a dump. We just want this to be fixed and we want assurances it will be fixed in a reasonable time. There is no accountability, no communications. We don’t get any answers unless we contact our MP or press."
Runnymede and Weybridge MP Ben Spencer has also requested to be kept up to date with developments and have asked Redrow to supply him with a progress report and timescale for when the roof will be made watertight.
A spokesperson for Redrow said: “We understand the frustration of residents and apologise for the time it’s taken to reach this stage. As soon as we were made aware of this complex issue, we took action against the original sub-contractor responsible. Following these discussions we have made the decision to undertake the works directly through an independent specialist to minimise inconvenience to residents.
"Initial works at Locklear Apartments are planned to commence shortly, with Earhart Apartments to follow. We anticipate all works to be completed over the coming months and will be in close communication with residents as timescales are confirmed.”