Lying-in-State Service Held for Migrants Who Died in Shipwreck Off Italy

A lying-in-state service for those who died in a migrant boat shipwreck off the coast of Italy took place in the Calabrian city of Crotone on Wednesday, March 1.

In an update on Twitter, officials announced the service would be at the city’s Palamilone sports complex.

Lines of local people stood outside the building, waiting for a chance to enter to pay their respects to those who died, local media reported.

According to the Italian news agency ANSA, 67 people were confirmed to have died off the coast of Steccato di Cutro in the early hours of Sunday, February 26. Officials fear the final death toll may rise to over 100, ANSA said.

This footage, filmed by the local news agency Parola Di Vita, shows officials and church leaders praying next to the coffins of those who died. Credit: Parola Di Vita via Storyful