Macron suspends New Caledonia voting reform after deadly unrest

French President Emmanuel Macron announced Wednesday the suspension of controversial voting reforms in New Caledonia following a spate of deadly unrest in the French Pacific territory.

The reforms, which would have altered voting rights, are feared by the Indigenous Kanak people who say they would have marginalize them further. The issue has caused the worst violence on the archipelago in decades.

The violence flared on May 13 in response to attempts by Macron’s government to amend the French Constitution and change voting lists in New Caledonia. France declared a state of emergency in its Pacific territory on May 15 and rushed hundreds of troop reinforcements to help police quell the revolt that included shootings, clashes, looting and arson.

Both sides of New Caledonia’s bitter divide — Indigenous Kanaks, who want independence and those loyal to France — erected barricades, either to revolt against authorities or to protect their homes and properties. Pro-independence protesters built up barricades of charred vehicles and other debris, turning parts of the capital, Noumea, into no-go zones.

Read moreColonial past haunts latest New Caledonia crisis


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France lifts state of emergency in New Caledonia, maintains curfew
France to lift state of emergency in riot-hit New Caledonia
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