Major TV sports presenter arrested over 'raping child' as police raid home

A top TV sports presenter has been arrested on suspicion of raping a child in a 4am raid on the host’s home. The rape accusation involves a child who was under ten years of age at the time The Sun on Sunday has revealed tonight (Saturday May 18).

Police carried out a 4am raid on the ­married telly host’s home earlier this week. The search at the home, which the newspaper reports is in the south of England, was carried out and computer devices and documents taken away for examination.

The man was questioned by detectives and held in custody for around 18 hours. The unnamed TV host and star was then released on bail pending further enquiries. The rape all­egation is historical and involves a child who was under ten years of age at the time.

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It is alleged the child was raped on more than one occasion over a period of time - during which he was working in the media industry. His TV bosses have been made aware of the arrest and police probe but TV colleagues are said to be unaware.

The alleged victim came forward recently and reported the TV star to cops, who swooped on the property having had specialist child abuse investigation officers at a dedicated suite interview the complainant. The police force conducting the investigation confirmed the arrest when approached by the newspaper but have given no further details.

Instead, an investigation is ongoing with officers probing the TV star's background as part of the investigation. Speaking to the Sun newspaper tonight, a neighbour of the man arrested said: “The police turned up very early. They took him away and were there for a while ­carrying out a search."

The neighbour went on, telling the tabloid tonight: “Everyone is shocked at his arrest.”