Mallorca Lee's son plays 'amazing' tribute set for late DJ legend at Scots music festival

Mallorca Lee's son Oceano and Angel
Mallorca Lee's son Oceano and Angel -Credit:Glasgow Live

Mallorca Lee's son has paid tribute to the late DJ at a Scots music festival.

Oceano Lee played a tribute set to his dad at Stereofunk Festival on Saturday, May 4. He is said to have wowed the crowd with a romp through the classic anthems created by his music legend dad Mallorca, complete with guest singers including Ross Ferguson, Sherie Hartill and Heather Finnie.

His sister, Angel, joined her brother's side on stage as they danced to the music. Reluctant but proud mum Maria was dragged on too.

Mallorca was a huge part of Stereofunk, much so that they named the main arena after him - making it a special and memorable day for the heartbroken family.

As reported in Glasgow Live, Oceano said: "It’s nice to be asked to do these tributes, I have one with X-Ray in Ireland, and that will probably be the last one I think - I am working on my own stuff, a lot of productions and I have my own events lined up through the year. Me carrying on my dad’s legacy doesn’t mean me playing his music, it means me making music – that’s what he wanted and that’s 100 per cent what I am going to do with my life.

“I want DJing and making music to be my life. That’s the best way to continue my dad’s legacy. I know it’s what he wanted.”

The performance went down as “one of the most intense, emotional and unforgettable moments in the musical history of Scotland”, according to Stereofunk’s Stevie Lennon.

Oceano continued: "Saturday was a great experience, a chance to meet so many of my dad’s loyal followers. Stevie treated me my mates and family amazingly. catering to all our needs and just being a great host and guy.

"To top it all of I got to share my dad’s music once again with the people who love it most. It was really special. You could literally feel the love coming at us from the crowd in the Mallorca Lee Arena.. it was amazing."

The performance is said to have been "incredible"
The performance is said to have been "incredible" -Credit:Glasgow Live

The aspiring DJ was especially happy to see one particular raver enjoying herself and smiling.

He said: "It was great to see my sister Angel enjoying herself and dancing on stage with me. I think she stole my thunder though!”

Stereofunk have now booked Oceano to return in 2025 showcasing his own music.

Festival promoter Stevie Lennon said: "In all my years of clubbing and doing events I've never seen an atmosphere like it. It was incredible - people smiling , people crying and everyone united and just willing Mall's son to do well.

"Oshy took it all in his stride - he's got a massive future ahead of him . He's a lovely, down to earth, genuine young man who also happens to be supremely talented. He's a pleasure to work with and we'll do everything we can to help him on his musical journey - not that he needs the help as this kid is going places!

"Seeing Angel smiling and dancing looking so like her dad, acting just like him, was beautiful and agonising all at once. And proud heartbroken and inspirational mum Maria joining them onstage at the end was the perfect end. Thank you fami-Lee."

Oceano is working to learn how to use his dad's studio equipment.

He said: “My dad liked that I didn’t want to play his events and things, I wanted to do it for myself. I got into it when I saw at the Hydro then started going to raves with my dad, driving him or going with him.

“Now those times seem even more special but I’m glad I appreciated them and we enjoyed them at the time – they are really nice memories. So I knew people loved my dad, I took him to gigs and saw it first hand – plus I just felt it for myself growing up, you couldn’t miss it.”

He is now eager and excited to show off his own style as he looks to the future while making his dad proud - the way Mallorca wanted him to.

He said: “It means a lot that they want me back as just me, and I can’t wait to be involved with the Sterofunk family as myself. I’ve been making several tracks and working with some of the best producers that are showing me the way, I know I’m really lucky to have that support.

“My next event is in Paisley at Club 69 on Sat June 15, my favourite club. I’ve booked a line-up of some very talented Scottish DJs and I’m bringing over a great DJ and producer from Liverpool to share his style with us – we have D3V, SLTM, GALLO, OSHY303 and DEEVEY.

“I’m really proud people want me to do tributes for my dad and thanks to everyone at Stereofunk for such a special day.

“Looking through his record box and picking my tunes from his tunes was strange but felt good, and playing them and seeing everyone love them and him.

“Some of my dad’s mates wanted me to play my stuff too but people were there to hear Mallorca Lee not Oceano Lee so we gave them what they wanted, that wasn’t about me it was about my dad. I have my own things to play my stuff at.

“I just want to say to Stereofunk, to Rez, to X Ray in Ireland, and most of all to all the ravers - just thank you for all the support, me and my family appreciate it so much.”

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