Man was '10 out of 10 drunk' when he attacked girlfriend after she asked him to leave

Simon Greaves appeared at Hull Crown Court -Credit:Hull Live
Simon Greaves appeared at Hull Crown Court -Credit:Hull Live

A heavy-drinking bully was "10 out of 10" on a scale of drunkenness when he aggressively punched his girlfriend as part of a long-running campaign of harassment and violence against her.

Simon Greaves was in a "nasty frame of mind" when he angrily assaulted her and he had also "grossly overreacted" and been "unpredictable" on other drink-fuelled occasions when he became violent towards her, Hull Crown Court heard. Greaves, 44, formerly of Ampleforth Grove, but recently of Ryde Avenue, off Clough Road, Hull, admitted harassment, causing fear of violence, between June 1, 2019 and October 7 last year.

Oliver Shipley, prosecuting, said that Greaves and the woman had known each other since childhood and they resumed a relationship after a previous break-up. It was "not a happy one" and Greaves would regularly drink and be violent towards her, assaulting her and being aggressive.


During one incident, he had been drinking when he returned home and there was an argument. Greaves was in a "nasty frame of mind" and his girlfriend asked him to leave but he refused.

He was threatening and this caused her to back away from him. He punched her to the face, causing bruising near her eye. The argument continued and she backed into a corner. He took hold of her head and kicked her.

Greaves hurled a barrage of abuse and warned her: "If you call the police, nothing will happen as it never has before." He later admitted that, on a scale of drunkenness, he was 10 out of 10.

There were three other incidents where Greaves assaulted her, including by punching her and throwing a mobile phone at her. He had convictions for 14 previous offences between 1998 and 2021, including threatening behaviour and criminal damage, and he had been jailed in 2004 for a football-related fight outside a pub.

Greaves told the court, regarding his behaviour towards his girlfriend: "I hate myself for it. It's not me."

He had begun seeking help for his drinking and admitted that he had an alcohol problem. He had previously worked for 10 years as an asbestos removal supervisor.

Michael Masson, mitigating, said that Greaves acknowledged that he had a drink problem. "This is not something that is excusable, by any stretch," said Mr Masson. "He hates himself for what he has done during this relationship."

Judge Mark Bury said: "The defendant didn't help himself because he drank too much, too often. That's the nub of why this relationship went wrong. When somebody is in drink, they are unpredictable.

"On four occasions, there has been violence, causing injury. He has grossly overreacted on a number of occasions."

Judge Bury told Greaves: "It's clear to me that, for a long time in your life, you have been drinking to excess. You are a heavy drinker. You admit you are and you can't control your temper in drink.

"Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. You are very unpredictable. You came home plastered and, then, what happened, you can't remember.

"On four occasions at least, you assaulted her physically by punching her. That's never acceptable. The fact that you were in drink is no excuse.

"In fact, it makes your behaviour worse because it's so easy to get drunk and then blame the behaviour on drink. You say she pushed your buttons.

"The way you responded to that is never acceptable in a relationship and I can't overlook it. You are ashamed of what you did and you have every right to be."

Greaves was jailed for six months and was given a two-year restraining order.