Man in his 20s stabbed and three arrests after reports of men fighting in park

-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)
-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)

A town centre park was sealed off by police today after a man was stabbed and another suffered 'superficial injuries' following reports of a group of men fighting.

Police said a man in his 20s was found with stab injuries to his shoulder. They are described as 'not life-changing or life-threatening'. A second man, also in his 20s, is said to have suffered a less serious 'superficial' injury.

Both were taken to hospital for treatment as detectives launched an investigation. Three men, meanwhile, have been arrested and remained in police custody today for questioning.

All three - between the ages of 21 and 25 - were held on suspicion of Section 18 assault, police said.

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Mesnes Park, in Wigan town centre, was sealed off today - Tuesday - as a crime scene as investigations by Greater Manchester Police continued. Violence first flared in nearby Church Gardens, before police said they believe those involved 'reconvened' in Mesnes Park.

In a statement, GMP said: "Just before 10.30pm yesterday evening (Monday), we were called to reports of a group of men fighting in Church Gardens in Wigan town centre. A further report was made to us shortly after by a member of the public stating that a man had been stabbed.

An entrance to the park -Credit:Google Street View
An entrance to the park -Credit:Google Street View

"Officers and other emergency service colleagues attended and one man in his 20s was found with stab injuries to his shoulder, which are not life-changing or life-threatening. Another man in his 20s suffered a superficial injury. Both were taken to hospital.

"From initial enquiries that have been conducted overnight, officers have started trawling through CCTV from the surrounding areas and believe the fight between a group of men started at 10.05pm on Church Gardens, Wigan. The group reconvened at Menes Park a short time later, at around 10.20pm.

"Three men between the ages of 21 and 25 were arrested nearby Menes Park on suspicion of Section 18 assault. They all remain in custody for questioning."

Police patrols have been stepped up. Detective Chief Inspector Jennifer Reeve, of GMP's Wigan district, said there's not believed to be any threat to the wider public.

Mesnes Park -Credit:Manchester Evening News
Mesnes Park -Credit:Manchester Evening News

She said: "We are in the early stages of our investigation and we have officers working hard to establish a full timeline of events leading up to the incident yesterday evening.

"We are investigating at pace and have already made three arrests, and from enquiries so far we don’t believe there to be a threat to the wider public. We will continue to have a presence in the area over the coming days and I would like to thank the public for their support already, and I'd appeal to anyone to come forwards with information that will allow us to take action to keep our streets safe.

"We are really keen to gather as much information as possible in relation this incident to help us progress our enquiries and would encourage anyone who may have seen anything or have information concerning this to contact us by calling officers directly on 0161 856 7094 or 101 and quoting log 3920 of 24/6/24.

"Alternatively, you can report information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

No further details have been revealed.