Man admits killing Beeston woman Ruth Hufton by tying scarf around her neck

Ruth Hufton was found dead property in County Close, Beeston
Ruth Hufton was found dead property in County Close, Beeston -Credit:Nottinghamshire Police

A man has admitted killing a Nottinghamshire woman at her home by tying a scarf around her neck and leaving her lying unconscious. Anthony Green, 50, pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of 46-year-old Ruth Hufton, whose body was found in County Close, Beeston on September 25 last year.

Green, also of County Close, denied murdering Ms Hufton, and his manslaughter plea was accepted by prosecutors at Nottingham Crown Court on Friday, May 10. The court heard Green, who appeared via video link from HMP Nottingham, tied a scarf "tightly" twice around the neck of Ms Hufton, preventing her from breathing.

"Her hair was caught in it and her hyoid bone was fractured," Mary Prior, prosecuting, said, before describing how Ms Hufton lost consciousness and was left to die.

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Green's manslaughter plea was accepted on the grounds that he committed the assault "with the intent to cause harm, but not with the intent of causing grievous bodily harm", the court heard. He is due to be sentenced on June 13.

A police vehicle pictured outside an apartment complex in County Close, Beeston, Nottingham.
Police outside an apartment complex in County Close, Beeston a few days after Ms Hufton was found dead -Credit:Joseph Raynor/ Nottingham Post

An earlier hearing heard how Ms Hufton was reported missing by her father before she was found dead at her home by detectives. Shortly after the killing, residents spoke to Nottinghamshire Live of their shock as Nottinghamshire Police launched an investigation.

Residents said they were surprised to hear of an incident of "such proportion" happening on their street. Jennifer Seagrave, of a nearby block of flats, said at the time: "I've been here for 18 years and it's been tickety-boo.

"Some people have been here donkey's years while some come and go. I've never known anything like this before, not of this proportion."