Man arrested after 21-year-old woman found stabbed to death in Ealing

Man arrested after 21-year-old woman found stabbed to death in Ealing
Man arrested after 21-year-old woman found stabbed to death in Ealing

A 21-year-old woman has been found stabbed to death in South Ealing, the Metropolitan Police have said.

A 20-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and is being held in police custody in West London.

The young woman was found dead in the early hours of Tuesday with “a number of stab injuries” in an alleyway off Church Gardens, South Ealing, according to the Met. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police say they know the victim’s identity and are in the process of informing her next of kin.

Grange Primary School, located near to the crime scene, is closed today, the Sun have reported.

West Area BCU Commander Sean Wilson, who is responsible for policing in Ealing, said: “This is a truly shocking incident which will understandably cause significant concern among the local community and Londoners as a whole.

“Violence of any kind, but particularly against women and girls, has a profound impact on communities and this will understandably impact on the confidence of those in the area going about their daily business.

“I want to reassure the Ealing community that a team of specialist homicide detectives have commenced an investigation and they will use their skills and experience to ensure that whoever is responsible is brought to justice.

“My local officers will also be in and around the area in South Ealing; if you have any concerns I would encourage you to approach them and speak to them. You can also speak to your local neighbourhood policing team or dial 101.”