Man arrested after BMW seen doing handbrake turns on packed beach as kids play

Blue sky and golden sand at Ainsdale Beach
Blue sky and golden sand at Ainsdale Beach -Credit:Andrew Teebay Liverpool Echo

A man has been detained following reports of a BMW performing handbrake turns a beach in the UK. The incident, which saw the car reportedly driven at high speeds on Ainsdale beach, not too far from Liverpool, occurred around 4pm on May 18, prompting police response.

A 43 year old Manchester man was apprehended on multiple charges including driving while disqualified and drug driving. He has since been released under investigation.

Sefton's local policing Inspector, Graham Fisher, commented: "We want everyone to able to enjoy the sunny weather and Merseyside's beautiful coastlines, but in a safe and considerate manner."

Inspector Fisher added: "We know the actions of a few inconsiderate people can affect the wider community so please, as ever, think about others when you use the region's beaches including how you drive, park, play music or dispose of your litter.", reports the Liverpool Echo.

He further stated: "We know that the vast majority of people are responsible and look out for each other. But anyone breaking the law or behaving in an antisocial manner will be dealt with robustly by our officers. We will have officers on quad bikes patrolling our coastlines during the summer months and I would urge anyone who witnesses any antisocial behaviour, or has any concerns, to speak to them."