Man arrested in Northumbria Police probe into 24 reports of graffiti in Newcastle within days

Northumbria Police officers on patrol in Newcastle city centre
Northumbria Police officers on patrol in Newcastle city centre -Credit:Newcastle Chronicle

A suspect has been held by cops probing a vandalism spate which saw 24 graffiti attacks in four days.

The 64-year-old man was arrested when police swooped on a property in Northumberland, last week. He was questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to commit criminal damage before being released on bail. Police say the investigation is "ongoing".

A Northumbria Police spokesman said: “We received several reports of vandalism in Newcastle city centre which are believed to have been carried out between April 24 and April 27. We believe these reports to be linked and an investigation is ongoing.

“A 64-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit criminal damage in connection with the reports and he has been released on police bail pending further enquiries.”

The Chronicle understands the probe relates to 24 reports of graffiti in Newcastle.