Man challenged policeman to a fight before punching him in the head and spitting in his face

Leicester Forest East service station on the M1 southbound
The incident happened at the Leicester Forest East service station -Credit:Google

A police officer pulling over car full of drunk passengers was punched in the head from behind by a man who then spat in his face. The Leicestershire Police officers stopped the car on the M1 southbound and the driver pulled into the Leicester Forest East services.

Among those in the car was Tomas Duda, 23, who kept challenging one of the police constables to a fight. The constable ignored his threats and told him to calm down but when he turned his back, Duda, of Ellesmere Road, Braunstone, Leicester, attacked him.

At Leicester Magistrates' Court on Friday, April 19, prosecutor Peter Bettany described what happened. He said: "At 10.10pm on April 3 the defendant was one of the people in a vehicle stopped at the services.

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"While the offices were trying to deal with everyone this defendant was asking, 'Do you want to fight?'

"All the men were intoxicated and the others tried to move him away."

Mr Bettany read out the officer's description of what happened next. The officer said: "I was about to turn to get back into the car and felt a pain to the left side of my face and jaw and my glasses were knocked off.

"I took him to the ground to prevent him from assaulting me again." The officer said he had swelling to his jaw and cheek as a result of the attack.

Mr Bettany said that after Duda was stood back up and arrested he spat directly in the officer's face. The officer described it as being "very disgusting and degrading".

When Duda was taken to a police station he said he had been very drunk at the time and had little recollection of what happened. When asked if he had attacked the officer he replied: "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

At the magistrates' court hearing he pleaded guilty to assault by beating of an emergency worker. The offence has a maximum penalty of 12 months in custody or an unlimited fine.

However, the case was adjourned to be sentenced at Leicester Crown Court on Friday, May 3, because Duda is already due to be at that court to be sentenced for other crimes. He has been convicted of criminal damage and burglary with intent to cause damage, relating to a separate incident.

The magistrates told Duda to attend the crown court on that day and they released him on unconditional bail.