Man given free food in shop is confused - then he looks at what the receipt says

falafel in pita bread
-Credit: (Image: Martin Burton/SussexLive)

You know how the saying goes - there's no such thing as a free lunch. But for one man, this adage was proven false during a recent trip to a sandwich shop, or at least it seemed that way.

Popping in for a quick falafel pita, he was surprised when he reached out to pay and the cashier quipped, 'you're all set,' leaving him utterly confused. The source of his surprise became apparent once he glimpsed at the receipt.

He soon decided to share this curious experience on X (formerly known as Twitter), posting an image of the receipt and asking his followers, "Was the guy who made my sandwich in love with me? I tried to pay and he said 'you're all set' and this was the receipt." For the latest restaurant reviews, sign up to our food and drink newsletter here

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The receipt from a shop in America indicated that the sandwich typically cost $11.05 (£8.70), but had been graciously reduced to $0, under the category 'Love'. The post quickly captured the imagination of the internet, going viral with over 3 million views, reports the Mirror.

Some followers were quick to read into the supposed romantic gestures, with comments such as "Signs point to yes", "I think you're the one", and declarations of "so romantic". Despite the speculation, the original poster expressed his shock, writing: "I am very surprised lol."

Some questioned why he didn't strike up a conversation with the generous server instead of seeking validation from online strangers. In response, he rather anticlimactically stated: "I'm straight." Another individual proposed that he might have appeared in need of the food, as they commented: "This happens to me sometimes and I think, 'still got it', but then I realise I just look homeless."

The man humorously responded: "So ur saying it was a pity pita."

Some were taken aback by the cost, with one person questioning: "Is 11$ a normal price for falafel pita in America? ? ? " To which the man answered: "Ya I guess depends where u go."