Man let dog and rabbit get so ill they had to be put to sleep

A man who let his family's pets get so poorly they had to be put to sleep has been spared jail after saying he had been 'overwhelmed' by personal problems.

Warehouseman Dawid Palyz, 39, was reported to the RSPCA after police noticed both his German shepherd called Vaga and rabbit called Snow looking seriously ill. Despite being told to take them to a vet Palyz, who a court heard was on sick leave with depression, failed to get them treatment. The dog and rabbit were subsequently seized.

Vaga, who was 13 years old, was suffering from a skin disease. Snow the rabbit, meanwhile, had severe conjunctivitis. Both animals were put to sleep on welfare grounds, the court was told.

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When quizzed Palyz, from Widnes, Cheshire, accepted he had failed in his responsibilities to the pets, but claimed he was unable to afford veterinary bills due to personal and financial 'stresses' in his life.

At Warrington magistrates court, he faced up to six months jail after he pleaded guilty to two charges of causing unnecessary suffering. The father-of-two was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to complete 80 hours of unpaid work and 10 days of rehabilitation activity. He was also ordered to pay £400 towards RSPCA costs and a £154 surcharge, and banned from keeping animals for five years.

Palyz, originally from Poland, came to the UK nine years ago with his family and the dog in search of a better life and they got the rabbit later, the court heard.

A probation officer told the court Palyz had been struggling with his health as a result of stress and had taken a 'significant period of time' off work. The officer said: "He did say the dog had previous health issues and that he was to and from the vets in the past. He concedes the health deterioration of the rabbit and the dog was huge in a short space of time and that as a result the animals had to be put to sleep. He was very upset because they were family pets. He accepts that he did not meet his responsibilities.'"

Vaga the German shepherd -Credit:RSPCA/ Cavendish Press (Manchest
Vaga the German shepherd -Credit:RSPCA/ Cavendish Press (Manchest

Anna McDonald, prosecuting for the RSPCA, said: "In July 2023 the RSPCA had a telephone call with the defendant when he agreed an appointment for the RSPCA to see his dog Vaga. The RSPCA went to his home on July 21 and they were shown the dog. It had obvious hair loss and a skin disease. The officer was also shown a rabbit called Snow, which had a weeping right eye.

"Mr Palyz confirmed that the dog and rabbit had not seen a vet and a warning notice was issued to go and get the animals seen by a vet by August 14. In August and September the RSPCA had various phone calls with the defendant to check whether the animals had received veterinary care, but it was confirmed that they had not.

''Mr Palyz did say to the RSPCA that he had booked appointments with different vets in the area. But when the RSPCA checked those practices, it was confirmed there was no history of appointments made with them.

“On September 29 the RSPCA went to the defendant’s home address and they were again shown the animals. Inspector Norris described the dog as having nearly all of its hair missing. The rabbit's eyes were scabby and filled with pus. Mr Palyz said he knew the dog should be put to sleep. He said it was a hard decision to make.

“He agreed to sign over the dog to the RSPCA and gave his consent to allow those animals to be removed and allowed a veterinary examination to take place. “The vet Mr Rawling examined both animals and recommended they be put to sleep on welfare grounds. Mr Palyz was cooperative and gave his consent.”

"The animal could have been suffering for at least a month. We are not suggesting that he was deliberately cruel - we are not suggesting that Mr Palyz deliberately caused those conditions. Both animals had to be euthanized due to the poor condition that they were in.''

Palyz's solicitor, Jon Keane, said: "He is a hard working man and the sole breadwinner for the house he supports, but moving on to statutory sick pay he was unable to keep any sort of appointments. This is ultimately a sad offence where the family pets are at the centre of it. The defendant is really beside himself, he is incredibly apologetic and he wishes me to advance that.

“Clearly, there is a significant background which has overwhelmed the defendant. He was medicated for his depression as a result of the circumstances that he found himself in. But most importantly he appears to have turned a corner. He is back in work and tells me he does not seek to obtain any further animals.''

Sentencing JP Alan Ayers told Palyz: "We have heard from your solicitor that life has not been so good for your mental health and the rest of it but we take the view that those animals were under extreme pain at the time. The vet report on the dog makes for sobering reading. All the time you were telling the RSPCA you were going to get them treated by a vet but but you lied and did not get it done.'"