Man 'minding his own business' on the sofa when vicious attacker struck

Rebecca Ngenda
-Credit: (Image: Merseyside Police)

A woman repeatedly tried to stab a man in the chest in a vicious, unprovoked attack at a Huyton residential home.

Rebecca Ngenda, 36, lunged at Russell Chadwick as he sat "minding his own business" on a sofa in the supported living accommodation where they both lived on March 29 2023. She was seen on CCTV entering the communal area of the home, on Roby Road, Huyton, armed with a small kitchen knife, which she immediately used to attack Mr Chadwick as he attempted fight her off.

Two staff members, who had been monitoring the CCTV, then rushed into the room and separated the two. But Ngenda lashed out again and attempted to stab Mr Chadwick in the leg before she was finally disarmed by one of the staff.

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She appeared at Liverpool Crown Court today, May 23, where video footage of the unprovoked attack was played to the judge.

Prosecutor Derek Jones said: "Russell Chadwick was sitting on a couch in the lounge area minding is own business when the defendant then entered the living room.

"She stood in front of Mr Chadwick, took the knife out and the clearly attempted to strike him with the knife to the chest area. Mr Chadwick then attempted to defend himself by grabbing hold of the defendant's hand, with her all along trying to strike him with the knife.

"Members of staff monitoring the CCTV went into the living room and separated the defendant and Mr Chadwick. For some reason, they left the knife in her hand and she made a final lunge towards him before she was finally disarmed by staff."

The court heard that Ngenda, who pleaded guilty to affray, had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Dr Patrick Verstsrekan, a forensic psychiatrist called on by the defence said: "The nature of her disorder is so that it's affected by periods of severe agitation and aggression, and as such she would post a serious risk to others. I feel that the offence is wholly attributable to the patient's paranoid schizophrenia."

Judge Neil Flewitt said Ngenda, who has three past convictions for common assault and battering an emergency worker, could not be given a regular prison sentence, as this would result in her being released under supervision of the probation service. He said: "I'm satisfied that, on the evidence of the doctor and given her practical needs, the level of supervision provided by the probation service would not be sufficient for the protection of the public."

He therefore sentenced Ngenda to an indefinite hospital stay under section 37/41 of the Mental Health Act, meaning she cannot be released without the approval of doctors and the Ministry of Justice.

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