Man robbed at knifepoint in Paisley park as police provide details on suspect

Ferguslie Gardens Paisley
Ferguslie Gardens, Paisley -Credit:Andrew Neil

A man has been left shaken following a robbery at knifepoint in Paisley.

The 44-year-old victim was out on an early-morning stroll through Ferguslie Gardens when the assailant struck.

He was approached by the knife-wielding robber and his white Staffordshire Bull Terrier-type dog. He was threatened that the knife would be used against him unless he handed over what money he had in his possession.

The suspect, after taking money from the victim, made off in the direction of Ferguslie with a two-figure sum, police say.

Detectives from the Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Police Division are appealing for information regarding the robbery which happened at 7.15am on Thursday, May 9.

They have described the suspect as being white, around 45 years of age and of heavy build with short, black hair.

Cops add that he had a large scar on the top of his head and was wearing a white T-shirt with a picture of a red and gold crown and the word ‘King’ written on it. He was also wearing blue jeans and black trainers.

Detective Constable Fraser Williams said: “Luckily, the victim was uninjured. However, he was badly shaken and we are working to trace the suspect as soon as possible.

“If you were in the Ferguslie Gardens area around the time of the robbery on Thursday morning please contact us. If you recognise the description of the man responsible or have any information that may assist our investigation please phone 101 quoting reference number 1482 of May 9.

"Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.”

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