Man screamed as he watched his 'pride and joy' savaged by two dogs

Jacko is chased by German Shepherds
Jacko is chased by German Shepherds -Credit:SUPPLIED

A cat owner screamed five harrowing words as two "wild" German shepherd dogs horrifically attacked his "pride and joy".

The terrifying incident occurred on Wavell Avenue, Southport, where defenceless cat, Jacko, did his best to escape the large dogs, even trying to leap over a fence.

The cat's owner, Gary, captured the horror on CCTV, which shows a figure believed to be the dog's owner arriving on a bicycle, attempting to control the pair while Gary shouts in fear.

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The distraught man can be seen wearing a dressing gown in the video clip as he tries to save Jacko. Mid-rescue, he screams out: "The f**king cat's tail's there! ".

Talking to the Daily Star, Joany, Gary's wife, revealed that Jacko is his "pride and joy". She explained: "I'll do anything to find out who these dogs belong to – we had our boy Jacko at the vets this morning and they said that he has to have the rest of his tail amputated and further tests to check if other damage was caused.

"We are so angry and upset. Our Jacko doesn't go far, and to be sitting in his own garden to be attacked. I have no words."

The cat was the man's 'pride and joy'
Gary and his "pride and joy", Jacko -Credit:Joany Tomo

Joany confirmed that the police are now investigating the incident. She revealed her husband is "devastated" and will be "apprehensive about letting Jacko out" in the future.

The ordeal, which could leave Jacko with balance issues due to his tail amputation, occurred on May 7. A spokesperson for Merseyside Police stated: "We received a report just yesterday, Tuesday 7 May, that a cat was bitten by two German Shepard dogs on Wendell Avenue in Southport. The cat sustained an injury to its tail.

"It was reported that dogs were not on a lead. Officers attended and conducted a search of the area."

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