Manchester bomber seen buying rucksack in Arndale shopping centre on Friday

Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi - Facebook
Manchester Arena bomber Salman Abedi - Facebook

Manchester bomber Salman Abedi was photographed by security cameras in the city's Arndale shopping centre on Friday evening, carrying a rucksack that appeared to be recently purchased, Sky News reported.

Three days before he detonated a bomb that killed 22 people at a Manchester concert venue, police believe Abedi withdrew £250 from an ATM before he went shopping in the centre around 7pm, the broadcaster said.

Two poor-quality images from closed circuit television show a young man, who Sky said the police believed to be Abedi, dressed in black with a black rucksack with a vivid blue lining. Price tags on the rucksack indicate it had just been purchased, they said.

Remnants of what is believed to be the terrorist's backpack
Remnants of what is believed to be the terrorist's backpack

Photographs from the investigation published by the New York Times earlier on Wednesday show remnants of blue material it said came from a Karrimor-branded backpack carried by Abedi.

Key articles | Manchester Arena explosion


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