Mandy Moore's 2 Kids: Everything to Know

Mandy Moore family
Mandy Moore family

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Mandy Moore and Taylor Goldsmith are parents of two!

The In Real Life singer and Dawes frontman got married in a backyard ceremony in 2018 and welcomed their first baby, August "Gus" Harrison, on Feb. 20, 2021. The couple then welcomed their second baby, Oscar "Ozzie" Bennett Goldsmith, in October 2022.

The pair announced that they were expecting their second child in June 2022 and were "so deeply grateful and excited" to expand their family. The year prior, Moore told Dr. Elliot Berlin on an episode of the Informed Pregnancy Podcast that she "can't wait" to get pregnant again.

Mandy Moore family
Mandy Moore family

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"I've said to my husband so many times — and really anyone that has come by that will listen — I'm like, 'I can't wait to do it again.' As harrowing as the journey was, I miss it," she said. "I'm sad that I don't get to relive it or do it again or something. It's a hard feeling to describe, but I can look back now with such affection and fondness for myself and what that experience was, because it brought me Gus. It brought me this child who is my whole world now. And I'm so grateful for it. I'm grateful for how hard it was, because now I have the greatest gift in the way."

In January 2023, Moore admitted to her Instagram followers that having two children under the age of two is "a lot." She shared the confession alongside a photo of her breastfeeding Gus.

In an interview published on Feb. 2, 2023, Moore spoke to PEOPLE about the joys and challenges of raising two young children.

"You wake up with endless gratitude every day, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it is hard work," she said. "And the lack of sleep is something that is a constant and makes everything feel all the more challenging. But, I think, it's just having grace for ourselves as parents and as humans and recognizing that each day is going to present its own challenges, but its own immense joy as well."

Here's everything to know about Mandy Moore's 1-year-old son and her newborn baby boy.

August "Gus" Harrison Goldsmith, 2

Mandy Moore and son August
Mandy Moore and son August

Mandy Moore Instagram

After announcing that she and Goldsmith were expecting their first child together in September 2020, the couple welcomed son August "Gus" Harrison on Feb. 20, 2021.

The couple chose the name August for many reasons.

"It was last August when @taylordawesgoldsmith and I found out we were having a boy (it's also Taylor's birth month) and we always loved the name ... so it was settled very early on in our book," she captioned an Instagram photo on Feb. 24, 2021, along with an embroidered baby blanket with his name on it. The "A" and the "T" are in different colors to represent Moore and Goldsmith.

"Then for our anniversary in November, T gifted me with this blanket with the 'A' (for Amanda) made from extra material from my wedding dress and 'T' (for Taylor) from his wedding shirt," she continued. "Felt like a very fitting amalgamation of our whole story."

Another reason they chose Gus? Moore likes names with alliteration, like her name. "My husband's birthday is in August, we found out we were having a boy in August … " Moore said on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in February 2022 about her baby's name. "But I also, having an alliterative name myself, I really liked having a Gus Goldsmith. Feels good."

Mandy Moore's son August
Mandy Moore's son August

Mandy Moore Instagram

In an interview with Romper in December 2020, Moore revealed that she plans to "raise an intelligent, feminist, loving, compassionate young man, who respects women, and who understands boundaries."

Moore also detailed her labor and delivery on the Informed Pregnancy Podcast in March 2021.

"It was crazy," she recalled. "The OB was just literally like, 'Okay, show's over.' Seven people walked in and he's like, 'So this is a vacuum and I'm going to attach this to the top of his head. And when I tell you to push, I want you to push harder than you ever have. And I'm going to pull at the same time and your baby's going to come out.' And I was just like, what?" she said. "It all happened so quickly. It was, one second everything was fine and then the next second it was like, this is happening. And literally I pushed harder than I had. And it went from no baby to a full body out in seconds."

Mandy Moore family
Mandy Moore family

Mandy Moore Instagram

Gus turned 1 on Feb. 21, 2022, which Moore and Goldsmith celebrated with a park birthday party. They shared pictures of the picnic, which included blue balloons and a birthday cake.

"I was so excited to get him in front of a cake and the quintessential first birthday, smashing the cake everywhere," she said on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in February 2022. "Couldn't have cared less about the cake."

After joking that Gus was "not a sugar guy," Moore explained that he had his eyes on something else. "He was curious about it, but much more interested in the cheese board that Mom had for the adults."

Like his parents, Gus is also musically inclined.

"He has no choice," Moore told PEOPLE in May 2022 about Gus loving music. "He loves it when Dad plays the guitar and when Mom and Dad sing to him. But the gibberish songs I sing to him while I'm changing his diaper, those will live in our house only!"

She also said that their family is "just having so much fun," explaining that Gus is "walking now, he's talking. He gives kisses, and he's like a little parrot. He loves the moon and every day he wakes up and says, 'Moon go away?' It's just the best."

Mandy Moore's son August
Mandy Moore's son August

Mandy Moore Instagram

Gus also had "no idea" that he was going to be a big brother, despite Moore and Goldsmith's best efforts.

"I say baby brother all the time and point to my stomach, and he'll say, 'Baby brother,' but he has no idea what's going on," she told PEOPLE in September 2022. "His level of awareness of the world is just starting to kick in, which maybe is for the best because we won't have to deal with the innate jealousy that sometimes comes along with bringing a new sibling into the world."

She added, "We'll figure out how to best introduce the two of them, but yeah, he has no idea what's about to hit him."

Just days after giving birth to her second child, Ozzie, Moore shared on Instagram that Gus is "relishing his role as Big Bro," along with a sweet photo of the toddler smiling from ear to ear at the newborn.

On Feb. 20, 2023, Moore celebrated her eldest's second birthday with a sweet Instagram post. In the post, the actress shared a cute clip of the boy being asked how old he is — to which he correctly responds: "Two!" She also included a number of adorable photos of Gus smiling and playing.

"Happy 2nd Bday to the brightest light. What a thoughtful, curious, wild, loving guy you are, Gus," Moore wrote in the caption. "I don't even have the words to describe just how much you changed everything in the most magnificent way possible. Thank you for making me a mom!"

Oscar "Ozzie" Bennett Goldsmith

Moore gave birth to Oscar "Ozzie" Bennett Goldsmith in October 2022.

"Ozzie is here!" she wrote in the sweet birth announcement alongside a carousel of black-and-white photos from the hospital. The actress noted that baby Ozzie "arrived a little late but with much aplomb (and an easier/speedier delivery than his big brother, much to the delight of his parents)."

She continued the caption, "Every adage is true: our hearts have doubled in size and the immediacy of the love is astounding. He is beyond words and we are so grateful for our family of four!"

Moore and Goldsmith first announced their second pregnancy on June 3, 2022, with a picture of then-15-month-old Gus wearing a "big brother" T-shirt.

"One incredibly seminal chapter of my life just ended and the next one, as a mother of two, is about to start … and are we ever so deeply grateful and excited. Baby Boy Goldsmith #2 coming this fall!" she wrote on Instagram, adding, "Gus is gonna be the BEST big brother!! Xo."

Moore was touring her In Real Life album while pregnant, so she shared important updates while on the road. In June 2022, she explained that she was "keeping on schedule" with her maternity appointments.

"Grateful for OB visits in new cities along the way to make sure baby boy is a-okay," she wrote, along with an ultrasound picture.

She later canceled the tour to focus on her health. "When we booked these shows, I wasn't pregnant and although I truly thought I could power through, the way we are traveling (long hours on the bus and not getting proper rest) has caught up, taken its toll, and made it feel too challenging to proceed," Moore wrote. "I know that I have to put my family and my health (and the health of my baby) first and the best place for me to be right now is at home."

In a July 2022 interview with Today Parents, Moore said that she wouldn't be able to receive an epidural during the labor of her second baby because of an autoimmune disorder called immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).

"My platelets are too low for an epidural," Moore explained, adding that delivering Gus with no epidural "was awful." "But I can do it one more time. I can climb that mountain again," she said.

Moore continued, "I wish medication was an option — just the idea of it being on the table is so nice. But we'll just push forth like we did last time."

One thing Moore is looking forward to? Spending the holiday season with her two sons.

"We're really excited he'll be around in time to celebrate my favorite time of year, fall leading into winter," Moore told PEOPLE in September 2022.

"We're just starting our traditions. It was Gus' first holiday season last year," she continued. "So with him being a little bit older and then having the new guy in the picture this year, it'll be fun to start to pinpoint what exactly we're going to do as a family unit."

In October 2022, Moore marked one week with baby Ozzie, sharing a heartfelt message on Instagram along with an adorable picture of the boy resting under a blanket. "One week with this dreamboat. You've absolutely changed the game, Ozzie," Moore wrote. "Yes, I'm exhausted and covered in spit up and feeding you nonstop but I'm so grateful and soaking in every second of this time."

Moore shared a few intimate photos of Ozzie's delivery in honor of his one-month birthday, including a photo of her and her son just seconds after he was born.

"I'm still able to access everything about that moment, which simultaneously feels like one second ago and also unimaginable to fathom life before," she captioned the post. "Baby boy came into this world to the soundtrack of Willie Nelson's "Stardust". Good choice, sir!"