Man's four week crime spree ended when he entered the Co-op

Barclay Redford
Barclay Redford -Credit:Cheshire Police

A serial offender's crime spree came to an end when he returned to the Co-op.

Barclay Redford appeared at Liverpool Crown Court today (Tuesday) for sentencing, having previously pleaded guilty to multiple offences, including burglary, theft, fraud, and car theft. The court heard how Redford's latest crime spree began on Sunday, February 25, when he was spotted interfering with car doors on Barbauld Street, Warrington.

A few weeks later on March 19, Redford was again interfering with cars on Springfield Avenue, Padgate, Warrington, before going on to steal a Citroen C3. He used a bank card from inside the stolen vehicle at an Esso Garage on Wilderspool Causeway, and later that evening went on to crash the Citroen into several parked cars on Gorsey Lane, Howley, before running off from the scene.

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Between March 16 and March 21, he stole goods valued at £343.03 from a Co-op convenience store on Knutsford Road, Warrington. He also broke into a property on Station Road North on March 21, and stole a purse which contained £40 cash and bank cards. He took the cash and later used the bank cards to the value of £97.

Redford was arrested after he returned to the same Co-op store on Saturday, March 23, where he stole goods to the value of £130.14. He was subsequently charged with vehicle interference, theft of a motor vehicle, theft from a motor vehicle, failing to stop, dangerous driving, driving with no insurance, false representation, driving otherwise in accordance with the law, burglary, fraud, six counts of theft from a shop.

Following the sentencing, Chief Inspector Neil Drum, of Warrington Local Policing Unit, said: "Over recent years, repeated attempts to engage with Redford have been made but his criminality has continued. He's been arrested and put before the courts five times since February of this year, and he is still yet to show any remorse for his actions, or for the harm he has caused within local communities.

"It is clear that he will continue to commit crime, and so today's result means that a serial offender has been jailed for a significant amount of time and now is finally off our streets. While I welcome the sentence handed to Redford today, our work to protect communities in Warrington from this type of crime continues.

"We are dedicated to ensuring Warrington remains a safe place to live and to visit, and removing individuals like Redford, who are intent on committing crime and causing misery, remains a top priority for Warrington LPU."

Anyone with information, CCTV or dashcam footage that may assist in keeping our communities safe is urged to contact Cheshire Police via the website.

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