The market stall with massive queues for its wraps and salads every lunchtime

Picture the scene. It is lunchtime in the heart of our nation's capital (Cardiff obviously). You are wandering around admiring the 8 billion student flats and hunger strikes.

You need some grub, food, scran, fare. There are hundreds of options within a five minute walk of your location but there is one problem - you are trying to eat healthily.

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What to do? Cardiff is stuffed full of fantastic places to stuff yourself full but if you want to go a bit healthier the options are more limited. Sure you can get something low in calories but it won’t leave you with the sense of satisfaction that you deserve when eating out.

If you are a true connoisseur of the city's cuisine there is a good chance you will have headed to Cardiff Market. Over the last five years or so the range of food stalls there has exploded.

You can also grab a coffee -Credit:WalesOnline
You can also grab a coffee -Credit:WalesOnline

Your taste buds can go around the world and every stop is exquisite. There is a Greek place with pitta so thick it has a tog rating. There is a Jamaican place with curried goat so tender it is like liquid. The pizza place single handedly reversed Brexit because you feel like you have gone to Naples without showing a passport. The Indian street food has a dal which makes a lentil in nectar.

Long story short, there are a hell of a lot of excellent choices. The only problem is, they are as bad on your waistline as they are great on your lips.

But fear not, there is an answer. As you walk through the stalls there is one which between 12.30pm - 2pm has a queue snaking round it. Behind all these patiently waiting punters is Sage Deli.

Sage does a range of salads, sandwiches and wraps. But their signature is their salads. They come in two sizes and there is a simple process. You choose five sides. This includes grated carrot, picante peppers, Bombay potatoes, rocket and mixed leaves. You then choose yourself a main (spicy chicken is recommended) and get a choice of dressing (get yourself a blue cheese). They will even slice you up a bit of sourdough to have with it.

-Credit:Sage Deli / Instagram
-Credit:Sage Deli / Instagram

Now I know what you are thinking - salad? When I am in a building where they serve dumplings, pizza and curry? I know, I know but stay with me. This salad makes me jealous of vegans. They have two types of slaw - creamy and Mexican. You can get tender green beans and if you need to make it a bit dirty they have outstanding hummus. There is also usually some warm pulled pork which you can have as a main or you can get one of their toasted sandwiches.

They don't just do salads -Credit:The Sage Deli
They don't just do salads -Credit:The Sage Deli

As you queue there you do question your sanity that you are spending your time waiting to exchange money for leaves. But the portions are decent and it will tide you over till the evening in a way that so many salads don’t. While you finish feeling full you never feel de-energised and don’t get the bloated feeling that slows you down all afternoon.

The success of Sage is obvious. Get there any time after midday and there will likely be a queue. This doesn’t mean there are no other deli’s in the market, there are and they are very good. Some are a fair bit cheaper than Sage as well. But though Sage may hit your wallet more that some of the others, you can tell that a lot of that extra money is going straightening into the quality of their ingredients.

They are one part of the tapestry of trades that makes up the excellent Cardiff Market. A part of our capital we should be proud of in the age where every highstreet looks alike. We should do everything we can to preserve it.