Married At First Sight Australia viewers say they can't understand why groom applied for show

Lucinda was optimistic about discussing the couple's issues and working through them - but Timothy made it clear he didn't want to talk
Lucinda was optimistic about discussing the couple's issues and working through them - but Timothy made it clear he didn't want to talk -Credit:E4/screengrab

Viewers were left cringing after the latest episode of Married At First Sight Australia as existing cracks in relationships began to worsen. In Tuesday's episode (series 11, episode 30), we saw three of the remaining couples show their other halves their homes and the couples began to imagine what life could be like if they stayed together after the programme.

Whilst loved-up Lauren and Jono were delighted to be back together after a week apart following Lauren undergoing an emergency operation, tensions were running high between Jayden and Eden and Timothy and Lucinda, in particular. Throughout the series, the latter couple have bickered over Timothy's at-times cold demeanour and his struggles to open-up emotionally - but the pair appeared to have been making progress in recent episodes with Timothy grieving the recent loss of his father and sharing his feelings with Lucinda.

Sadly, their progress came to a halt on Tuesday's programme as Timothy admitted feeling "flat" when he returned to his apartment after weeks away with the other couples and the relationship experts, despite having an excited Lucinda in-tow. Throughout their stay in Timothy's apartment, he appeared withdrawn and distracted - and on one occasion left Lucinda at home with his dogs for hours whilst he went out to "clear his head".

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"I haven't felt that welcomed. I haven't felt that he's really wanted to be around me," Lucinda reflected after a week at Timothy's home. "I get the vibe that he really can't be bothered."

Admitting he hadn't been particularly engaged with the homestay part of Married At First Sight Australia, Timothy said: "I'm not into this emotional journey," adding: "I didn't think I'd have to go through all of that [discussion around emotion] on the experiment. I didn't think I'd have to dig that deep."

"Lu is an emotional person, she loves talking about her feelings," he added. "And digging into all this emotional side, it's confronting, it's just not comfortable for me. I've got my own way of dealing with stuff, that what I've been taught from a long time ago..... I've got nothing left, I'm just over it."

Timothy was distant from Lucinda throughout her stay in his home - even going out one evening and leaving her at home
Timothy was distant from Lucinda throughout her stay in his home - even going out one evening and leaving her at home -Credit:E4/screengrab

Just moments after he sat down with Lucinda for a picnic she had prepared after their week at his home, Timothy got up and dramatically walked away from the table and, effectively, their relationship. Unsurprisingly, viewers were not impressed and soon called Timothy out for being "rude".

"Tim's just being rude and funking ignorant now," one viewer said. "Lucinda's a better woman than me, I'd of closed the door on his asap, [sic]." Sharing similar frustration, another viewer said: "Tim just wants to live on an island somewhere...alone!"

"If I was Lucinda, I would pack my bag and leave immediately," another viewer said. "She is banging her head against a brick wall."

"Believe me, I totally understand wanting your own space but saying you'll be an hour and not coming back until midnight (with no communication) is not on," said another. "Lucinda is too special for Tim or any man," said another. "Tim is playing with her emotions. Not cool!"

Summing up further viewers' frustration with Timothy's behaviour, another show fan asked: "Tell me again, why did Tim apply for this experiment?"

Married At First Sight Australia continues on Wednesday at 7.30pm on E4.

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