Martin Kemp on falling in love with wife Shirlie at first sight

In the first of a special two-parter, chart legend, actor and now author, Martin Kemp talks about falling with love with wife Shirlie at first sight.

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White Wine Question Time with Kate Thornton is the podcast that brings together well-known guests to answer three thought-provoking questions over three glasses of wine. Discover the friendships behind the entertainment headlines, and listen in on their conversations for a side to the celebrities you've never heard before.

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Video transcript

MARTIN KEMP: Well, the first time I ever met Shirley. The first time I saw her was the first appearance of Wham on "Top Of The Pops."

KATE THORNTON: Yeah, so you were doing your homework. You were at home, living with your mom and dad still, you and Gary, pop stars but living at home. And you watch "Top Of The Pops" because you were checking out the competition. Who's doing what--

MARTIN KEMP: Yeah, yeah of course.

KATE THORNTON: --this week.

MARTIN KEMP: Of course.

KATE THORNTON: And there she was, your future wife. Absolutely, and I absolutely, fell in love with her through the TV screen, you know?

KATE THORNTON: Immediately.

MARTIN KEMP: Immediately, and then, a few weeks later, I go to an after show party, it was a show by the McGann brothers called "Yakety Yak" and she's standing over the other side of the room. And obviously, you know, your heart goes-- flutters a little bit and I go over and I give her my number. But when I go over and give her my number, I get really strange reaction. It wasn't what I wanted and she said later that it was because you were wearing too much makeup.