Martin Lewis issues 'six to ten minute' warning ahead of deadline tomorrow

Martin Lewis has issued a "six to ten minutes" warning ahead of tomorrow morning's ITV Good Morning Britain. The BBC Sounds podcast host will step into the breach to present alongside Susanna Reid from 6am til 9am - and he wants fans' questions.

"I'm presenting @GMB tomorrow alongside @susannareid100 and I'm pleased to say @Jeremy_Hunt has agreed to come on in the 8am hour. It should be interesting, I've a few questions I'm looking forward to asking...," Mr Lewis said. In a follow up, he said: "I say quite a few. My lists up to 30 (and i've already cut many out). The issue is which to pick!"

"PS likely to only have 6 to 10 minutes with him at most, so gotta think carefully about what most important ones that can be done in short time are," he said in a third tweet. In reply, a Twitter/X user said: "Could you ask him why it isn’t possible to be a carer and work from home but have to reduce working hours so need a top up to maintain standard of living - carers are running on empty most of time?"

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"Be prepared to jettison everything after the 1st question that he refuses to answer directly & be prepared to terminate the interview if he continues to refuse to answer," another said. "Because he'll have demonstrated that he can't be trusted to answer in good faith, making it a waste of time."

Another typed: "I'd be very surprised if he actually directly answers a single question without steering his answers towards the questions he'd prefer to answer." Another said: "Good luck getting any honest answers. I’d like to know what % of pensioners actually got the £900 increase that he and his boss keep spouting about."

Another typed: "Please ask if we can have a simple tax system, whereby all income (paye, capital gains, dividends, overseas profits) are taxed at the same level." Another begged: "Please please @MartinSLewis absolutely for the human heart of the country and innocent people. Ask about why they want to make the disabled people suffer and a ridiculous voucher system.

"Ask him if their wages will be paid in vouchers as well."