Martin Lewis warns of ‘annoying’ tax headache around cryptocurrency

Martin Lewis
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Martin Lewis has waded into the complications and exemptions around cryptocurrency over income and capital gains tax. The money guru has revealed that HMRC doesn't view the digital phenomenon as a currency, which could see traders getting caught out if they aren’t aware of their tax responsibilities.

He raised the warning on the latest episode of the Not the Martin Lewis Podcast, where the titular star is joined by a panel of experts on his chosen topics. Joined by tax gurus Kari Mellon and Rebecca Benneyworth, they looked into potential issues between CGT, Income Tax and, most importantly, moments when the two intersect.

One such situation is cryptocurrency as one listener sought their advice, asking: “I’m a basic rate taxpayer earning £25K a year. I bought cryptocurrency for £10K and I’m going to sell it for £500K. How much tax will I pay?” While Martin commented that they must have been holding the crypto for quite a while to have made such a profit, he noted that with normal currencies: “These days if you buy currency and you sell currency and you’re not doing it for a job you just have it in your accounts you don’t pay capital gains tax.”

Turning his experts, Martin questioned: “Is cryptocurrency a currency?” Kari noted that it’s unfortunately not considered a currency “for the purpose of tax”. She explained: “The sale of cryptocurrency usually is subject to Capital Gains Tax, but in limited circumstances, it can be subjected to income tax f you receive tokens from your employment, mining or staking.”

The Money Saving Expert reiterated to help drive the point home to listeners: "So if you’ve bought and sold it, it’s Capital Gains Tax but if you’ve created it, that’s what mining is, then it’s seen as an income because you’ve created it as a form of work.” Rebecca added with regards to Capital Gains Tax: “There’s no allowance for inflation, how long you’ve held it. So most of that gain is going to be taxed at 20%, almost all of it.”

Martin expanded on Rebecca’s point comparing how normal currencies are treated by HMRC: “If someone had bought the house abroad, sold the house, got the money into a bank account, (didn’t exchange) it back for 4 years and made a profit on the fact that they hadn’t changed it back. That’s when you don’t pay.

“But you can’t do that if you sold the house for cryptocurrency and then the cryptocurrency appreciated in value you would still pay Capital Gains Tax on it. So even if it’s for personal use, according to HMRC, cryptocurrency isn’t a currency. Which some people, I suspect, will get quite annoyed about.”