'Whoever wins the next election needs to make Martyn's Law happen'

-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Figen Murray says she feels 'let down by all the promises that were made and broken' over proposed new anti-terror legislation in her son's name - Martyn's Law.

Martyn Hett, from Stockport, lost his life aged 29 in the Manchester Arena bombing atrocity of 2017, one of 22 murdered after an Ariana Grande gig.

Mrs Murray, 62, has been campaigning ever since his death and walked 200 miles to London from Manchester 'to look the Prime Minister in the eye' over delays to the bill, which is yet to get beyond draft stage. It would require venues and local authorities in the UK to have preventative plans in place to mitigate against terror attacks.

She met with Rishi Sunak on Wednesday and said: "The PM promised me today that he would introduce Martyn's Law to parliament before summer recess." The PM, just hours later, announced a general election on July 4.

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Commons business, however, is due to end today - Friday - when Parliament is prorogued before being dissolved on May 30. Any unfinished bills are lost at dissolution.

Mrs Murray said she felt 'misled'. The Manchester Evening News has contacted the Cabinet Office for clarification, but has recieved no reply.

Martyn's image on a campaign T-shirt -Credit:PA
Martyn's image on a campaign T-shirt -Credit:PA

She said: "These last few days have been hard - I was exhausted after walking two hundred miles from Manchester to London, I was upset by the anniversary and then I felt misled by the Prime Minister.

"It's great that the PM is now saying he will support Martyn's Law if elected - and I thank him for that. But Martyn's Law was a commitment for the last parliament not the next one and I feel let down by all the promises that were made and broken. National security is too important to be so low a priority.

"I hope whoever wins the next election will act immediately to make this right."

The bill has been championed by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, who called for Martyn's Law 'as soon as possible'. Brendan Cox, co-founder of campaign group Survivors Against Terror, is the husband of the murdered MP Jo Cox and backed Mrs Murray's call.

Pictured with Sir Keir Starmer -Credit:PA
Pictured with Sir Keir Starmer -Credit:PA

He said: "The last government made two promises to survivors of terror attacks - to introduce Martyn’s Law and to bring forward a Survivor's Charter. While we welcome the progress made on both, neither have been delivered and I know many survivors feel bitterly let down."

Mrs Murray said the PM had promised her on Wednesday he would introduce Martyn’s Law to Parliament before summer recess, but could not guarantee the legislation would be passed before the next election. But Mr Sunak said on Friday he had not deceived Mrs Murray and that he is committed to bringing in the law.

"I said by summer recess and that will still be possible,” he told journalists accompanying him on the campaign trail. "The election is in the first week of July. Parliament will reconvene immediately after that, so there will still be time to bring that law in before summer recess, and that’s what I remain committed to doing.

“We’ve done all the prep work and I had a very constructive conversation with Figen and actually I start by paying tribute, as I said to her at the time, to her bravery in the face of tragedy that happened to her family, to have then campaigned for positive change.

“I was telling her, I said in Parliament a few weeks ago, the most inspiring thing about doing my job is meeting people like her. So the work has been done on the Bill, she met with the Home Secretary as well after me, James [Cleverly] was with me when I saw her to walk her through some of the detail and it will be ready to introduce in July."