This Marvel fan has the most perfect plot idea for Thor 5 – and it involves Ted Lasso's Roy Kent

 Thor: Love and Thunder.
Thor: Love and Thunder.

A Marvel fan has pitched his idea for the next Thor movie, and Brett Goldstein's Hercules is definitely involved.

"I still want to see Thor protect earth and his friends from Hercules, Zeus and the other gods in one final feat of strength for the character. Just all out war," the Reddit user wrote, posting a photo of Brett Goldstein as Hercules. "It'll be an epic like Dune or Gladiator. He'll learn what it really means to be a God. I think it will be a nice send-off for the character and his status as a warrior. Thoughts?"

Goldstein played Hercules in a brief mid-credits scene in Thor: Love and Thunder. During the scene, which place in Omnipotence City, we see an angry Zeus (Russell Crowe) make a speech about superheroes becoming the "new gods." The camera pans over to Hercules, played by none other than the Ted Lasso star. Of course, the top comment on the Reddit thread is, "He's here! He's there! He's every fucking where! Roy Kent! Roy Kent!"

"I'm hoping for Hercules and Beta Ray Bill tbh," someone responded. Another fan replied with their own idea for Thor 5, writing, "Beta Ray Bill and Thor fight all of the gods. Thor and BRB win. They establish earth as a sanctuary from fickle lesser gods and protected by Thor. Thor transcends to Thor the Allfather and Thor passes the torch to BRB (and Mjolnir), and Hemsworth can retire (or show up as a Odin-like cameo later)."

"Let the GOD COMPLEX be the main issue," one fan suggested. "Let the gods think humans are just ants that they can squish easily. And then let Thor be the one and only thing to teach them that they are not the centre of the universe. Let it be a do or die from both sides and make it super serious unlike Love an Thunder and Ragnarok. And let that tone be similar to Captain America: Winter Soldier."

"I guarantee the next Thor will have absolutely nothing to do with Hercules. It'll either mention him in passing at some point like 'me and Hercules are friends now, anyway' or just not mention him at all," said someone else.

Another Reddit user countered this, however, saying that, "For Hercules it is a bit of a different situation, since Taika did not come up with the Hercules inclusion himself. He said in an interview that was Marvel wanting to throw that in at the end as set up for the future." They're right.

"I didn't even know that was a character in Marvel, but, apparently it is," Waititi previously said (via ComicBook). "It was good. I know it's opening up a whole new thing, which I won't be invited to come and be a part of, but I'm happy for everyone who loves Greek Gods."

Waititi also won't be directing the next Thor, as he has too many projects on his plate. But given that Marvel likes to briefly introduce new characters for inclusion later's likely that we'll see more of Brett Goldstein's Hercules. The plot, however, is still up in the air.

For more, check out our list of all the upcoming Marvel movies and TV shows you need to know about.