The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel cast and creators reveal their favorite scenes of the series

After five seasons, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has traveled from the nightclubs of Greenwich Village to the apartment buildings of the Upper West Side. It's taken audiences from Paris to Miami to Las Vegas to the Catskills to the stage at Carnegie Hall.

Across these varied locales, it's given us the story of Midge Maisel (Rachel Brosnahan), a former housewife who became an aspiring comic after her husband, Joel (Michael Zegen), left her for his secretary. With determined manager Susie (Alex Borstein), meddling parents Rose (Marin Hinkle) and Abe (Tony Shalhoub), and skeptical in-laws Moishe (Kevin Pollak) and Shirley (Caroline Aaron), Midge has endured a hurricane of highs and lows.

'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' stars Alex Borstein and Rachel Brosnahan
'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' stars Alex Borstein and Rachel Brosnahan

Prime Video 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' stars Alex Borstein and Rachel Brosnahan

The mentorship of Lenny Bruce (Luke Kirby) and reluctant support of Gordon Ford (Reid Scott) enabled Midge to realize her wildest dreams. But now that Midge has taken her last bow in the series finale, what does the cast remember most fondly?

We polled them, as well as producers Amy Sherman-Palladino and Dan Palladino, on their favorite scenes from the show's five magical, magnificent seasons. Take a look at what they chose.

Reid Scott (Gordon Ford)

"Amy Sherman-Palladino is famous for her oners," he says. "In episode 503, where Gordon's freaking out about the comic who picked up and took off and he goes on this tirade, we got to use the whole space. It's all one shot, and it goes on for three minutes. I loved it. I loved being unleashed like that. Amy told me weeks beforehand, 'You tell me when you're ready and that's the day we're going to shoot.' I was very nervous. To get to do this one long take, it felt like a play. The whole team aspect of every single background actor and actress, every single cast member was so on point. The camera's perfectly choreographed. It was a blast. I was sweating buckets by the end, but it was so satisfying."

Reid Scott (Gordon Ford) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Episode 509
Reid Scott (Gordon Ford) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Episode 509

Luke Kirby (Lenny Bruce)

"I am so fond of the memory of that first time that I was on set in that cop car," says Kirby. "I had one line to say that night and we were in the East Village, which was fronting as the West Village. I can't remember what street we were on, but I walked onto that street and I was like, 'This is a different ballgame.' It was like those dreams that you have about making a movie or a TV show, and I was like, 'Oh, this show is immersive.' I've always said that about the show, that the work that the crew did to make the world immersive made it so easy to access. You were in the world immediately. That memory is so beautiful and happy. And then getting Rachel coming in to the car. It got it all started."

a shot of Lenny Bruce (Luke Kirby) in the back of a cop car with Midge from episode 101
a shot of Lenny Bruce (Luke Kirby) in the back of a cop car with Midge from episode 101

Kevin Pollak (Moishe Maisel)

"I think it was the scene wherein I made Amy laugh harder than I had in the whole series," says Pollak, referencing his shower scene in the series finale. "She texted me while editing the episode, insisting it would never not make her laugh. All can say is I may or may not have been naked."

Kevin Pollak (Moishe Maisel)
Kevin Pollak (Moishe Maisel)

Caroline Aaron (Shirley Maisel)

"One of my favorite scenes to shoot was getting drunk at the nightclub [in the final season]," she says. "Because I had never got to see Midge perform before. That was really fun to sit in the audience. But probably my top favorite scene was being alone with Abe when I found out that Moishe had been hospitalized and telling him that if anything ever happened to Rose, that I would be there for him because it sealed the deal that we are each other's family. I loved being able to do that with Tony."

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Marin Hinkle (Rose Weissman)

"Well, I think of two (amongst literally every scene I was so fortunate to be in...), one is at the Catskills," says Hinkle. "It was the night Midge and Abe and Rose lay on a red picnic blanket watching fireworks in the middle of a gentle summer night at about dusk. I wanted the night to go on forever. I truly did. And Tony and Rachel and I couldn't stop laughing. We really were giddy and so connected and joyful that night. It's always that way, but that night there was a bit of magic in the air. Time traveling in the Catskills. I could do that every summer from now on. Why don't we all get that? A two-week break to essentially go to summer camp for the rest of our lifetimes."

"The second rich and emotional memory I have comes out of Paris," she continues. "Now, that city for me, Marin, and for Rose, was deeply inspiring. Everything we did there made me literally shake as I felt so in love with being there. SO impassioned. Walks in parks. Studying at the Rodin museum and taking art classes. Watching little puppet shows. Eating. Rose's little apartment. It's hard to choose a favorite. But, if I were hard pressed, I loved the night dancing on the Seine with Tony. (It was my birthday that night and I thought that I could never imagine a better birthday present.) And most important to me was the scene that kind of most broke my heart — for Rose. It was when she showed Abe the apartment she longed to buy. She was happier in that moment than in any other place or moment we had seen before in the show. What happened between Rose and Abe in Paris gave her a sort of rediscovery of herself — her youth.  And the relationship experiences a resurgence of energy and tenderness and passion. But when Abe says gently that they have to go home. That there really is no place for him there. It's rare to find writing like that. Doesn't happen often in one's lifetime."

The Marvelous Mrs. MaiselPictured: Marin Hinkle, Tony Shalhoub
The Marvelous Mrs. MaiselPictured: Marin Hinkle, Tony Shalhoub

Tony Shalhoub (Abe Weissman)

"That is hard because there were so many, so many good ones," says Shalhoub. "It's a toss-up between a scene Marin and I shot in Paris, in the apartment that she wanted to buy — the beautiful empty apartment where she was making a case for us relocating. Marin and I really got to go deep while working out our relationship and growing our relationship. The other scene was when Abe first sees Midge perform in the Catskills, when he happens to stumble into this other resort where she's doing her act. She sees him in the audience after a minute or two, and as the true professional that she is, she keeps going. That is such a complicated acting piece for Rachel, which she knocked out of the park. But on my side, I love that wordless reaction of Abe's life and the facade crumbling. That was a very interesting thing to work on, and it really worked on a lot of levels."

a shot of Abe (Tony Shaloub) in episode 205 watching Midge's comedy show
a shot of Abe (Tony Shaloub) in episode 205 watching Midge's comedy show

Michael Zegen (Joel Maisel)

"I have a bunch of favorite scenes for various reasons, but the one that pops to my mind right now is the baseball scene that I had with Joel Johnstone who plays Archie," says Zegen. "We're hitting baseballs in that field at night in season 2. It was the last scene that we shot for season 2, and we wrapped at like four in the morning, and then we all flew out to LA to go to the Emmys that weekend, and we won. We both had no idea that it was going to be a oner, which means that there's no cutting. We're hitting baseballs and we have to figure out where the camera's going to be, so we don't hit the camera with the baseball. The cast came to watch early in the morning hours, and we toasted with champagne after we were done."

Joel (Michael Zegen) hitting baseballs in episode 210
Joel (Michael Zegen) hitting baseballs in episode 210

Alex Borstein (Susie Myerson)

"This is an impossible question to answer, you realize," says Borstein. "It's like choosing a favorite child. I can say that there have been some stand-out scenes for me and they stand out because they were challenging. The tough ones stick with you for years and years. One of those was the funeral scene in season 4 where Susie had to say goodbye to Jackie (Brian Tarantina). It was the first real crack in Susie's armor, the first time Midge and the audience saw inside of Susie's shell. Another challenging scene comes in season 5 and it's between Midge and Susie and it takes place at an automat. It was raw and satisfying to do. There's also a scene that takes place on ice in season 5 and I can say that I didn't break any bones! No idea how it will look, but it was marvelously fun to shoot."

Susie (Alex Borstein) at a funeral from episode 403
Susie (Alex Borstein) at a funeral from episode 403

Rachel Brosnahan (Midge Maisel)

"Midge's first drunken stand-up in the pilot," says Brosnahan. "It was one of my audition scenes and it felt impossible. It felt so far away that I would ever be able to figure out how to play a stand-up comedian. I remember leaning really heavily on that scene. 'Cause I was like — she's not getting stand-up. She's just talking. She's wasted and talking, and she's talking about how her life is falling apart. Getting up to shoot that scene at like six in the morning while they're shooting the pilot — and being so nervous about it because it feels like the moment where you're asking the audience to buy in, to see her potential — and it felt like if we couldn't find it, that was it. I remember doing a couple takes, and it didn't feel good. But once we were approaching that sparkle, having a brief second of feeling like I might survive. That it might be okay."

Midge (Rachel Brosnahan) in her nightgown from episode 101
Midge (Rachel Brosnahan) in her nightgown from episode 101

Dan Palladino, Writer and Executive Producer

"It's hard to say scenes I loved," he says. "Sophie sitting down with Midge the first season at her house and her talk with her that was so profane and so derogatory stands out. It's hard because we don't have B episodes. I remember when we were on a sitcom, when you do 22 episodes you have a couple where a few could get away. But when you're doing eight or 10 episodes, nothing can get away. We put so much care into everything that it's hard to say this stands out or that stands out."


Amy Sherman-Palladino, Creator

"I love them all," she says. "I'm very pleased that the Carnegie Hall scene with Lenny and Midge turned out as great as I thought it could. Those two together are golden. And I was very excited we got Carnegie Hall. So, that stands out for me. The very last moment for me is killer. It's everything I could have wanted it to be, and all the credit goes to those two pros."

Best Shipper Moments of 2022 The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4, Episode 8 Rachel Brosnahan and Luke Kirby
Best Shipper Moments of 2022 The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4, Episode 8 Rachel Brosnahan and Luke Kirby

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