Masked men break into home in broad daylight as manhunt launched in Edinburgh

A house on Columbia Avenue was targeted on Friday afternoon. (Image: Google maps)
-Credit: (Image: Google Maps)

Police in Edinburgh are searching for two men who broke into a property in West Lothian in broad daylight.

The two thugs entered the home on Columbia Avenue, Livingston, at around 5.50pm on Friday, June 21 wearing masks, reports Edinburgh Live.

Nothing is believed to have been taken, but damage was dealt to the property.

Police believe two men were responsible and have released a description of both to the public in a bid for information.

The first man is described as approximately 5ft 8ins tall and of slim build. He was wearing all dark clothing with a hood up and a face mask.

5ft 8ins tall and of slim build. He was wearing all dark clothing with hood up and a face mask.

The second man is described as approximately 5ft 7ins tall, also of slim build.

He was wearing grey bottoms, white top with hood up, black jacket and a face mask.

Detective Constable Natalie Civil said: "Our enquiries are ongoing, and we are appealing to anyone that may have seen anything suspicious or who has any information to get in touch. We would also ask anyone with relevant CCTV, doorbell or dash cam recordings that may assist our enquires to contact us.

"I would also like to take this opportunity to remind people to take all precautions available to ensure that their homes are as secure as possible before leaving and store all valuables out of sight."

Please contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident 3081 of Friday, 21 June, or alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555111, where anonymity can be maintained.

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