Massive Attack announce line-up for outdoor ‘Act 1.5’ homecoming Bristol gig

Massive Attack
Massive Attack (Picture: Warren Du Preez)

Massive Attack have announced the artists that will be joining them for their ‘Act 1.5′ show in Bristol this summer.

The pioneering trip-hop group first announced the gig in December last year, confirming that a show this summer will see them deliver a “large-scale climate action accelerator event” to mark 25 years of climate activism.

Taking place on August 25 at Bristol’s Clifton Down, the event is set to be the lowest carbon emissions from a show of this size ever staged and marks the first UK show in five years from Robert ‘3D’ Del Naja and Grant ‘Daddy G’ Marshall.

Now, it’s been confirmed they will joined by an array of special guests including Run The Jewels leader Killer Mike, Irish folk stalwarts Lankum, the musical side project of actress Sam Morton and DJ Milo from Bristol collective The Wild Bunch.

“We’re chuffed to play our home city again and to be able do it in the right way,” Massive Attack’s Del Naja, AKA 3D, said in a statement last December.

“In terms of climate change action there are no excuses left; offsetting, endless seminars and diluted declarations have all been found out – so live music must drastically reduce all primary emissions and take account of fan travel. Working with pioneering partners on this project means we can seriously move the dial for major live music events & help create precedents that are immediately available.”

Professor Carly McLachlan from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research added: “This is precisely the type of transformative approach that we need to see more of in the live music sector and indeed every sector; one that has the collaboration and vision to reduce emissions across all areas of impact and working beyond the areas you directly control to unlock the systemic change we urgently need to deliver on our Paris Agreement commitments.”