Matthew Bourne's cutting edge ballet is an absolute sensation

Edward Scissorhands may be a gothic fairytale but it has messages for us all about understanding and tolerance of anyone a bit different.

And when it comes to storytelling no choreographer tells it quite like Matthew Bourne.

His extraordinarily beautiful ballet is breathtaking in its design and execution.

And there are not enough adjectives to adequately capture how sensational Stephen Murray is in the eponymous role - but try enchanting, captivating, exquisite and ethereal for starters.

He perfectly captures the essence of this child-like man, cruelly encumbered with scissors for fingers. But quite how he danced with such long appendages in such an intricate and delicate way is an absolute marvel.

But don’t think for a moment this ballet is a one-man-show. The remainder of the cast are equally talented.

The ballet is set in suburbia with six different families representing the best and worst of society. And in this revival we see a same sex couple for the first time.

The full cast numbers are like an all-you-can-eat buffet for the eyes. And it doesn’t matter where your eyes wander, all the dishes are taste sensations.

But New Adventures favourite Ashley Shaw’s performance as Kim Boggs is a real treat.

It is the first time in nine years Edward Scissorhands has taken to the stage an there have been a few tweaks here and there but Bourne’s wondrous vision remains.

And that vision would not be complete without the incredible staging. Lez Brotherston’s set and costumes and Howard Harrison’s lighting were an absolute joy.

The bright, colourful scenes in the suburbs contrasts wonderfully with the darker images around the murder of Edward’s creator in their secluded house on the hill.

I could happily watch this ballet every day for the rest of my life without ever becoming bored.

If you get the chance go to see this most stunning piece of theatre but watch out... I may be waiting to pinch your ticket.

•Runs until Saturday