Matty Godden replacement and Adi Viveash fears - Your Coventry City questions answered

It’s just under six weeks until Coventry City kick-off their new Championship campaign, and eight and half weeks to go until the summer transfer window slams shut – so plenty of time for the excitement to build further.

So far Mark Robins has welcomed four new faces to his first team squad when they reported back for duty on Monday. The same day fans learned of the shocking, and seemingly sudden, departure of Sky Blues assistant manager Adi Viveash. Two new first team coaches joined the same day, with former favourite George Boateng and Rhys Carr joining the manager’s backroom staff.

Since then Matty Godden has signed for League One Charlton Athletic and City have snapped up two free agents from Cambridge United to boost the club’s development squad.

Here Sky Blues reporter Andy Turner attempts to answer some of your burning questions of the week.

READ MORE: Confirmed: Coventry City make double signing from League One club

READ MORE: Coventry City man issues parting message with special mention to Adi Viveash

Any news of kits/sponsors yet?

AT: Same as last week in terms of ‘progressing’ but assured the players will have new kit for first pre-season friendly, so can’t be far off.

Are we likely to get a new assistant manager now Adi has left?

AT: I have nothing official on that but I would have thought there will be a new assistant at some stage. I personally feel they need a talented coach with a bit of experience to help fill the void left by Adi, and that’s no disrespect to George or Rhys who I’m sure will be excellent additions to the back room staff.

Any incomings later this week or next week either in general or striker replacement for Godden in pipeline?

AT: Matty’s departure paves the way for a new striker in terms of freeing up wages. There will be something in the pipeline. Two (Ellis and Haji) is not enough and arguably need something a bit different to the two big lads. Younger than Matty, hungry and with pace.

Whose decision was it for the new coaching set up and why did we chose these candidates over others ?

AT: They were always looking for a replacement for Dennis Lawrence and maybe George Boateng and Rhys Carr were such outstanding applicants that they decided to get both. City have had a very small staff compared to other clubs. As for whose decision, I honestly don’t know but presume Doug King and Mark Robins.

My first thought when I heard the news about Adi was a fear that it would bring instability and a lack of cohesion at the start of pre-season, particularly to those that might have been contemplating a move, such as Sheaf. Do you think this going to hamper our preparation and plans for a decent start to the season?

AT: I think it will have come as a shock to many of the players but hopefully it won’t bring instability or affect the start to the new season. People move on all the time, whether it’s managers, backroom staff or players, and people generally adapt pretty quickly, albeit Adi’s departure does leave a considerable void.

I heard rumours of striker had medical on Monday and if all went well announcement will be made soon is this true?

AT: As of today, nothing is planned for this week. But things can change quickly.

I can see lots of building work going on at the training ground - any ideas on what facilities the next phase of work will bring?

AT: I think it’s almost done. Looks amazing, new gym, superb pitches and general refurb inside and out, including a new canteen, press/conference room, driveway and car park.

On the pre season note, are we going to announce any more fixtures just had a look at and our first is the 23rd of July?

AT: Not sure yet but they are going on a week-long training camp to Spain when they are expected to play a behind closed doors game.

Three quality left backs seem to have been available this summer (McCallum, Burrows and Giles), but they all seem likely to end up somewhere else, or already have. Do you think this means MR plans to stick with Bidwell and DaSilva this season?

AT: Not necessarily. There are plenty of left-backs out there other than the three you mentioned.

Are we still in for Alan Browne? We’re lacking some mature heads in this squad now.

AT: City have been linked with interest, according to The Sun. This has not been confirmed. He has also been linked with Sheff U. But agree, City do need some experience and he’d be perfect, in my view. A great professional, by all accounts.

Have players like Ryan Howley and Jack Burroughs been at Ryton these past few days?

AT: I’ve seen a training pic of Ryan and Jack’s intention was to push his way in this summer. I understand both are there.

Who do you think has the greater chance of making the grade between Howley and Burroughs? I personally think Burroughs.

AT: Yeah, Jack. MR has said he is a Premier League athlete.

Do you think Mark Robins will appoint a new assistant manager? Click HERE to have your say.