McDonald's wants to open NINTH Stoke-on-Trent restaurant - here's where

Fast-food giant McDonald's wants to open its ninth Stoke-on-Trent restaurant. The new branch is planned for the old Pizza Hut unit, on Jasper Square Retail Park, in Tunstall.

The arrival of McDonald's would be a major boost for Tunstall town centre. Now the global giant has applied for permission from Stoke-on-Trent City Council to install advertising signs on the building.

The unit was occupied by Pizza Hut from 2004 until 2016. It was then occupied by Middletons.

Its application states: "The application site comprises the former Middletons unit, at Jasper Square Retail Park, in Tunstall. It was originally traded from by Pizza Hut before its occupation by Middletons. Middletons ceased trading in January 2023 and McDonald’s is proposing to operate from the building."

A separate planning application for the restaurant has yet to be published by council planners. The initial application does not indicate whether the branch will have a drive-thru lane.

McDonald's already has Stoke-on-Trent branches in Hanley, Festival Park, Longton, Meir Park, Norton, Trent Vale, Fenton and Sandyford.

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