Medical emergency at Devon beach

An RNLI lifeboat and Coastguard team were launched after reports of a medical incident at Budleigh Beach
An RNLI lifeboat and Coastguard team were launched after reports of a medical incident at Budleigh Beach -Credit:Submitted

A person was rescued at a beach in Devon after a medical incident was reported. HM Coastguard and lifeguard crews rushed to he scene at Budleigh Beach, near Exmouth around 10am today (Thursday, May 16).

According to an eyewitness, an RNLI lifeboat launched from Exmouth before heading out on the water towards Sidmouth. They said: "Exmouth life boat launched this morning 10amish to recover a body from the waters towards Sidmouth."

A HM Coastguard spokesperson said a medical incident had been reported and that one person was recovered. The RNLI said an unresponsive swimmer was being helped out of the sea at the beach. After being aided by members of the public, the swimmer was left in the hands of the South Western Ambulance Service.

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A spokesperson for the Coastguard said: "HM Coastguard responded to reports of a medical incident at Budleigh Beach near Exmouth this morning, 16 May.

"Alerted at around 10am, Exmouth Coastguard Rescue Team and a lifeboat from Exmouth RNLI were sent to the scene. A casualty was taken into the care of the ambulance service."

Exmouth RNLI said in a statement: "Exmouth RNLI lifeboat launched on service to reports of an unresponsive swimmer. At 09.55 this morning, H.M. Coastguard requested the launch of the RNLI Exmouth lifeboat following a report of an unresponsive sea swimmer being helped from the water at Budleigh Salterton.

"The ILB George Bearman II and three volunteer crew launched at 10.00 and set off at best speed to the location. Upon arriving at scene, the casualty had recovered sufficiently to be supported by members of the public and the Exmouth Coastguard Rescue team to a waiting ambulance. Our volunteer crew was therefore stood down and returned to station."