Medical expert encourages vulnerable people to get vaccination

The elderly are being encouraged to get a Covid vaccine top up
The elderly are being encouraged to get a Covid vaccine top up

Medical experts are reminding vulnerable people to get their Covid top up.

Adults aged 75 and older, residents in care homes for older adults and individuals six months and over who have a weakened immune system can top up their protection from COVID-19 with a spring vaccine.

Those who are eligible are being reminded by NHS Dorset to take advantage of the current Covid-19 top up campaign and get their jab.

Until the end of June 2024, people can walk in at a site offering vaccinations or book an appointment at a preferred clinic via the national booking system.

People registered with the GP as housebound and waiting to hear from the NHS about the vaccination will be in contacted by the NHS to arrange a visit.

So far this year more than 80,000 jabs have been delivered by the team.

Dr Paul Johnson, chief medical officer with NHS Dorset is encouraging those who are eligible to get protected.

He said: “Getting vaccinated against Covid-19 is the best way of protecting yourself and I would encourage anyone who is eligible, to take up the offer of a top up jab if they haven’t already done so.

“There is no doubt that Covid-19 is not as serious as it has been in the past, but we should still be taking it seriously.

"For those people who may be vulnerable or have a weakened immune system due to a particular health condition it can still have a significant impact on your health, so please, if you haven’t already done so, drop in to your local clinic and get a top up.”

For information on local clinics and how to book a vaccination visit