Meet the candidates hoping to be Truro and Falmouth’s next MP

The seven candidates in the running to become the next MP for Truro and Falmouth
The seven candidates in the running to become the next MP for Truro and Falmouth

Truro and Falmouth will be one of the most hotly contested seats in the country come the General Election on July 4. Since the constituency was formed in 2010, the seat has been held by Conservative MPs Sarah Newton and, since 2019, Cherilyn Mackrory.

Mrs Mackrory will be defending her seat, though will face stiff opposition from Labour’s Jayne Kirkham who, polls suggest, could win. Though as Truro is a former Lib Dem heartland, there is also strong support for that party’s Ruth Gripper. Falmouth was the last place to vote in a Labour MP, Candy Atherton, in 1997 – that party’s first MP in Cornwall for 50 years.

With the Royal Cornwall Hospital, the Duchy’s only major hospital in the constituency, the NHS is one of biggest topics on doorsteps for candidates as is housing and the cost of living crisis.

Meet the seven candidates hoping to be Truro and Falmouth’s next MP, saying why you should vote for them in their own words.

Conservative – Cherilyn Mackrory


Conservative MP Cherilyn Mackrory will defend the Truro and Falmouth seat
Conservative MP Cherilyn Mackrory will defend the Truro and Falmouth seat

Conservative MP Cherilyn Mackrory will defend the Truro and Falmouth seat


It is a privilege to have been your Member of Parliament. It has given me the ability to fight for the issues that we, care about here in Cornwall and as Conservatives.

Some issues that I will be pushing for if re-elected:

I will drive for a fairer funding formula for Cornwall – it costs more to run statutory services in a rural and coastal area. I will lobby ministers so that we get our fair share.

I want to see prime agricultural land protected from industrial solar farms. Nationally, 3B graded land is seen as poor land available for solar farm and other development. In Cornwall, this is our prime agricultural land. Conservatives have passed a motion at Cornwall Council to ensure 3B land protected. If re-elected I will work to ensure this is upheld, so the right balance between green energy and food production is met.

I will advocate for the return of UK Waters for UK fishermen in 2026 and at the same time continue to campaign to remove the quota and regulation of our under 10m line-fishing vessels, retaining this vital part of our heritage and local wider hospitality industry.

I will stand up for women’s rights, campaigning against puberty blockers for children, for safe spaces for women and girls such as toilets, changing rooms and single sex hospital wards, as well as women’s sport.

All this alongside being pro building more affordable housing for local people, lobbying for more support for our local pubs and hospitality businesses, and better access to NHS dentistry for children in schools.

Vote for me on July 4 so I can continue my positive and proactive work for the good people of Truro and Falmouth locally, as well as part of part of a Conservative Government that has delivered for Cornwall time and time again.

Labour – Jayne Kirkham


Jayne Kirkham hopes to take the Truro and Falmouth seat for the Labour Party
Jayne Kirkham hopes to take the Truro and Falmouth seat for the Labour Party

Jayne Kirkham hopes to take the Truro and Falmouth seat for the Labour Party


There is a clear choice at this election in Truro and Falmouth. Labour ran a close second to the Conservatives here at the last two elections with only just over 4,500 votes in it in 2019 and other parties trailing a long way behind.

I live in Falmouth with my son. I’ve been a lawyer acting for working people, a teaching assistant at Falmouth School and I am now a Cornwall Councillor representing people locally since 2018. I stood for Parliament once before in 2017 in Truro and Falmouth and came very close to winning.

I’m campaigning to be your local MP for Truro and Falmouth, running surgeries, listening to people here and representing your concerns in Westminster. I want to be part of the government that restores stability and prosperity to the country, so we can fix the things that aren’t working in Cornwall. We need more genuinely affordable housing for local people; to get our NHS and social care back on its feet and to clean up our rivers and seas. We also need to invest in a new green economy so that the good jobs and skills training are there for our young people. Labour have policies that are deliverable, fully-funded and ready to go, to give working people, businesses and communities the certainty that they need.

I want to be that loud voice in Westminster so that the people in Truro and Falmouth are heard; we have more power to make decisions about Cornwall in Cornwall; and there is real change here.

Asking for people’s trust is a huge thing and I know that a lot of people are unsure what to do and are thinking of voting differently this time. I will respect that leap of faith and will work constantly to justify it, if I am fortunate enough to get the chance.

Liberal Democrats – Ruth Gripper

Ruth Gripper is the Liberal Democrats' candidate for Truro and Falmouth (Image: Supplied)

I love Cornwall. It’s my home, and the place where I grew up. But we are a long way from Westminster down here and too often our voice does not get heard by those in power. I’m standing to be the MP for Truro and Falmouth to change that.

So many people in Cornwall are working harder than ever yet struggling to make ends meet. Our NHS is in perpetual crisis mode. Seeing a queue of ambulances parked outside Treliske used to be exceptional, and now it seems routine. As MP I will make our health services a priority – calling for the funding we need to get our NHS back on track and ensure carers are paid a decent wage.

The housing crisis is causing huge stress for people of all ages. Young people wonder what their future will look like. As MP I will campaign to ensure we have more of the homes we need, and more powers at local level to control second homes and holiday lets.

Our natural environment needs protection. Sewage is released seemingly at the first hint of rain. As MP I will campaign for tougher penalties for water companies who pollute our rivers and sea. And I will work with local farmers, who are key allies in the fight against climate change and have been badly let down by this Conservative government. We need them to put food on the table.

I’m a Liberal Democrat because I believe in people power. I will listen to, and work hard to represent, everybody who lives here in Truro and Falmouth – whether you vote for me or not. You can let me know what you think about things by visiting: I want to make sure Cornwall’s voice is truly heard in Westminster.

Reform UK – Steve Rubidge


Steve Rubidge is the Reform UK candidate for Truro and Falmouth
Steve Rubidge is the Reform UK candidate for Truro and Falmouth

Steve Rubidge is the Reform UK candidate for Truro and Falmouth


Steve Rubidge, a dedicated family man and passionate professional, has been a cornerstone of the Cornwall community for the past 16 years. Born in 1973, Steve has spent the last decade and a half driving trains for Great Western Railway, a job he finds both fulfilling and enjoyable. His commitment to his work is matched only by his love for his family, which includes four children and a cherished grandchild.

When Steve isn’t navigating the railways, he enjoys indulging in craft ales, adding to his collection of tattoos, and immersing himself in the rich sounds of jazz, funk and soul music. These hobbies reflect his appreciation for both tradition and creativity, a balance that permeates all aspects of his life.

Despite his contentment with his personal and professional life, Steve has grown increasingly despondent over the state of the nation. Observing the political turmoil and the decline in various sectors, he has become deeply concerned about the future of the country he loves. The “incompetence and chaos” that have marked the administrations of both the Conservative and Labour parties over the past few years have left him disillusioned and frustrated.

Driven by a sense of duty and a desire for meaningful change, Steve has decided to step into the political arena, a significant departure from his previous stance of political non-involvement. He believes that the time has come to reform how the country is organised and run, and he sees the Reform UK party as the vehicle for this change. Their contract with the British people promises to reshape the nation, restoring its former glory and ensuring a better future for all.

He is committed to representing the interests and concerns of his constituents, aiming to bring about a positive transformation in their lives. With a pragmatic approach and a genuine passion for service, Steve Rubidge is ready to work tirelessly to make Britain great again.

Green Party – Karen La Borde


The Green Party\s candidate in Truro and Falmouth, Karen La Borde
The Green Party\s candidate in Truro and Falmouth, Karen La Borde

The Green Party\'s candidate in Truro and Falmouth, Karen La Borde


Karen, who is currently a Truro City Councillor and Kenwyn Parish Councillor, is an experienced candidate who spent her working life in business as a company director. Her passion for caring for others as well as the environment is backed by a sound understanding of practicalities, compromise and working together.

“As a Truro City Councillor I have focused on monitoring the council’s financial management to ensure value for money for residents especially during a cost of living crisis. And, although I campaign for the protection and reinstatement of nature with sensible polices to combat the climate crisis, I understand that solutions can only be funded by sound money management.”

As a member of Truro’s Town Deal Board, which is trying to reconnect the city with its river, she has worked hard to ensure projects funded by government monies have a minimal impact on wildlife and are low carbon. In addition, she has campaigned on the water crisis especially surrounding the release of sewage from Newham treatment plant in Truro.

“It is unbelievable that here we are working on projects to allow people to enjoy the benefit of our river and sea when water quality has declined so much. It’s not good for us, for business or wildlife. Last year parts of the river Fal were closed to shellfish producers due to raw sewage and extraordinary levels of e-coli. Recreational users of the water complain of sickness and our wildlife is poisoned. And all this whilst shareholders are reaping the benefits of water companies managed for profit and not for people and environment. The Green Party will renationalise water companies and reinvest in infrastructure.”

Karen lives in Truro as do all her children and grandchildren. She says: “I have hope that we can make the world a better place for our children. We just need sensible and immediate action.”

Liberal Party – Peter White


Peter White is the Liberal Party\s candidate in Truro and Falmouth
Peter White is the Liberal Party\s candidate in Truro and Falmouth

Peter White is the Liberal Party\'s candidate in Truro and Falmouth


Peter has been a member of the Liberal Party for 53 years. He was opposed to the merger with the Social Democrats, staying loyal to the Liberal Party and true Liberal values. He is a retired chartered accountant and is married to Kim, a retired special needs teacher.

As a musician, Paul has played in rock, jazz and, most importantly, Salvation Army bands all his life, reinforcing his dedication to the Liberals and all they have stood for since 1859. Peter is determined to be the voice for traditional Liberals in Truro and Falmouth in the coming General Election.

“As a party treasurer for five years I understand, like my hero the late David Penhaligon, the importance of targeting Cornwall’s urgent issues. Cornish people have been short changed by successive governments. Our farmers and fisherman are struggling to stay competitive and have been betrayed by their own government. The Westminster bubble don’t understand that it is a way of life here in Cornwall, not a lifestyle choice. Utility companies must be made to stop overcharging. Farmers, along with other local businesses cannot afford the extortionate bills and neither can most households. Water companies owed £60.6 billion last year but paid out an eye-watering £70 billion to shareholders.

“These figures show their relentless greed and the only answer is public ownership, without compensation for such appalling and deliberate incompetence. Why are there 20,000 empty houses in Cornwall when 17,000 people are in temporary accommodation. We need more social and affordable housing, with GP surgeries, local shops and dentists (remember them?) along with other vital amenities.”

“My Christian values have always inspired my Liberal beliefs and it would be a privilege if you vote for me on July 4.”

Independent – Pete Lawrence

Pete Lawrence, an Independent candidated for Truro and Falmouth (Image: Supplied)

A Cornish farmer for 25 years, Pete said: “I believe the current two party status quo propped up by the first past the post system has failed us. This will continue to contribute to the decline in the quality of our democracy, our prosperity and our freedoms.

“The age of the local independent is upon us and that proportional representation and the adoption of Swiss-style direct democracy electoral reforms are the challenger politics which will unseat the entrenched oligarchy and return power to the people. Politics must now be rebuilt from the ground up, by the people for the people and their elected representatives must be free from party censorship and compromise.

“Policies both national and local affect our daily lives and it’s time we had a say and held our politicians to account. The frequent referendum Swiss model which has served their nation so well for 175 years has seen the country ranked within the top 10 in the world for economic prosperity, education and wellbeing. It serves as an inspiring role model and blueprint for real change.

“We cannot continue in a system that has been manipulated by the 1% to subjugate us, power must and can be placed back into the hands of the people by direct democracy and proportional representation electoral reforms are how to achieve this.

“Whilst the rich keep getting richer and happier, the poor keep getting poorer and unhappier impacting physical and mental health. The mood of the country is the lowest it has been for decades.

“New or old parties, the political system is broken, lies, hypocrites, incompetence, I don’t know who to trust anymore and many friends and family feel the same way. As an independent candidate I trust myself and have integrity, I appeal to people who feel the same and are politically lost to save our country by voting for us independents.”