Ardent followers of QAnon are pouring into the streets in Japan. Behind them is Ichibei Okamoto — a Trump-loving YouTuber pushing baseless conspiracy theories to thousands.

Ardent followers of QAnon are pouring into the streets in Japan. Behind them is Ichibei Okamoto — a Trump-loving YouTuber pushing baseless conspiracy theories to thousands.
  • Ichibei Okamoto is one of Japan's top QAnon influencers.

  • The Tokyo-based YouTuber is best known for his "emergency Q-broadcasts."

  • He's also a member of YamatoQ, a Japanese group affiliated with the QAnon conspiracy theory.

On the fringes of the Japanese internet, a groomed, bespectacled man sits in front of his camera, activates his live stream, and starts waving around a rubber mask bearing the likeness of former President Donald Trump.

He holds a black rotary phone up to his right ear and declares that he's found a good product of "Trump-san."

"Made in Japan," he says of the mask, grinning broadly.

The man behind the live stream is Tokyo-based YouTuber Ichibei Okamoto. About a month after the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, he stopped his year-long run of posting episodes of violent, samurai-inspired anime and began a journey in a different direction.

For over a year now, Okamoto has been streaming "emergency Q-broadcasts" to tens of thousands of viewers.

The broadcasts all start the same way: Okamoto positions himself in front of what looks to be a world map and, at times, a Trump figurine. The phone beside him doesn't ring, but he picks it up and proceeds to have a one-sided conversation with it.

The YouTuber has spent broadcast after broadcast railing against the Japanese government and pushing conspiracy theories about a great awakening of the downtrodden.

In some videos, he urges the followers of YamatoQ, an organization known as the Japanese arm of the US-based QAnon conspiracy theory, to wake up to the deception that clouds their eyes. In others, he alludes to "the storm" — a term used in QAnon circles to refer to a baseless claim that Trump will stage an uprising to overthrow members of a satanic "deep state" cabal of pedophiles.

In the 18 months since his sharp pivot to posting conspiracy theory videos, Okamoto has become one of the most visible QAnon supporters in Japan. What's more, the growth of Okamoto's following suggests a rise in conspiracy-theory-driven fringe behavior in Japan.

Okamoto did not respond to multiple requests for comment from Insider.


The rise of Japan's QAnon movement

To understand Okamoto, you first need to understand YamatoQ, the Japanese wing of the QAnon movement. While the organization does not advertise the origins of its name, the word "Yamato" carries connotations of Japanese imperialism. The Yamato was known to be one of the country's lead battleships during World War II and was the pride of the Japanese Navy until it was sunk in 1945.

While the QAnon movement has not taken hold in Japan at the speed and intensity it did in the US, the group has a sizeable membership across Japan, with at least nine divisions in prefectures from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Each subdivision — which the YamatoQ calls "demonstration corps" — has chat groups on the LINE messaging app limited to individuals with Japanese phone numbers.

Much like QAnon in the US, the Japanese organization has been linked to anti-vaccination protests. In April, four people connected to YamatoQ — including Okamoto — were arrested in Shibuya for barging into a vaccination clinic while yelling about vaccinations being a crime. The Yomiuri Shimbun also reported that around 6,000 people participated in YamatoQ demonstrations nationwide in January, motivating the local authorities to investigate the movement and its members.

While the QAnon movement in the US lacks an organized membership system, YamatoQ recruits members for an annual fee of 4,500 Japanese yen, or $32.82. The group verifies members' identities by collecting copies of their driver's licenses or identity cards. Once accepted, applicants receive a card declaring they are a "certified authentic member."

A screengrab of the Yamato Q membership card
Okamoto is such a key member of the group that his name is used on a mockup of the YamatoQ organization's membership card as an example of what an approved member's card would look like.Screengrab/YamatoQ website

Transcending YouTube fame

Okamoto identifies as a representative of YamatoQ, one of Japan's remaining QAnon-splinter groups, many of which have been shut down or otherwise faded into obscurity. He leads the group alongside Twitter conspiracy theorist Daisuke Murai.

He's active on Instagram, where he posts selfies, Trump quotes, and notices of upcoming YamatoQ events for his 4,413 followers, a considerable following for a Q-linked figure in Japan.

These posts take on a darker tone on Okamoto's Facebook page. In an April 1 post, he took a screenshot of himself and other members at a "Q administrative meeting," announcing he would be going after a list of Japanese members of parliament.

"If you continue to govern badly, you will soon be on the pick list. We are not here to negotiate," Okamoto wrote.

YouTube is his loudest microphone.

He's racked up close to 20 million views on his videos and initially had four YouTube channels dedicated to YamatoQ content. His main channel, "Ichibei 1," has more than 44,800 subscribers.

One of his channels, "Ichibei 3," bears a notice indicating that it was taken down "due to multiple or severe violations" of YouTube's content guidelines.

"We terminated the channel for its dedication to violating our harassment policy, which prohibits content that targets someone by suggesting they are complicit in a conspiracy theory that is used to justify real-world violence, including QAnon," a YouTube spokesperson told Insider.

Okamoto receives occasional donations of around 1,000 Japanese yen, or $7.30, from viewers who ask him questions during live streams over his main channel.

Beyond his YouTube donations, minimal information is publicly available about what Okamoto does for a living. Online articles and movie databases suggest he may have been a direct-to-video Japanese actor in the 2000s who was known both by his birth name, Hiroyuki Kuraoka, and a stage name, Rei Okazaki.

In 2021, Okamoto capitalized on his Q-linked popularity to release a book titled "The X-Man File." The book covers conspiracy theories from how world leaders are clones manipulated by a deep-state cabal to the proposition that people are teleporting from Earth to Mars. He also baselessly posits in the book that doppelgangers are ruling the Earth and that President Joe Biden is being played by an actor who closely resembles him.

The magnetic appeal of the Japanese Q-fluencer

The US has its share of QAnon-linked conspiracy theorists, from far-right provocateur Alex Jones to Ron Watkins, the man widely rumored to be the originator of the conspiracy theory.

Okamoto is not the first offshoot of the QAnon movement to crop up in Japan.

There's also the Japanese influencer Eri Okabayashi, whose account was purged by Twitter in January 2021 when the company banned more than 70,000 accounts for promoting QAnon content. Also operating is QArmyJapanFlynn, a nebulous web of Q-supporters named after Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn.

What sets Okamoto apart from the regular QAnon troll is that he has the stylings of a 90s Japanese pop star.

Before he adopted a closely cropped, military-looking haircut, Okamoto had a flowing mane of dyed brown hair. On occasion, Okamoto would also style himself like a modern Japanese samurai, showing up at events and on live streams in a yukata, a type of Japanese summer kimono.


He also appears to appeal to a different demographic than his American counterparts. Unlike the boisterous and colorfully dressed figures that often populated American QAnon rallies, YamatoQ followers tend to be regular-looking folk — disgruntled-looking retirees and the occasional youth.

Okamoto's posts have hit a note with some members of his audience.

"Nice, Q! Only YamatoQ can change the world," read a comment on one of Okamoto's Facebook posts. "President Trump is a HERO. Everyone is a HERO. Let's move towards the battlegrounds."

QAnon is gaining a foothold outside the US

Okamoto's growing popularity suggests conspiracy theories like QAnon are finding footholds in countries outside the US.

Donald Haider-Markel, a University of Kansas political science professor who researches domestic extremism, said he was surprised by QAnon's spread abroad, given how US-centric elements of the conspiracy theory are.

However, he said Q's expansion overseas could be attributed to followers' tendency to cherry-pick what they believe in.

"No conspiracy theory is too far-fetched for believers, and they often have a build your own theory perspective," Haider-Markel told Insider.

In some ways, experts said, Japan is ripe for the spread of conspiracy theories like Q. Cults in Japan — such as the infamous Aum Shinrikyo group — tend to prey on people's anxieties and ingratiate themselves with those susceptible to fringe messaging, CNN found in interviews with experts.

Yoshiro Fujikura, a Japanese journalist and cult expert, told CNN that Japanese citizens were becoming distrustful of the mainstream media.

"People start thinking that Japanese media was so untrustworthy in the past, so they must still be hiding the important facts," said Fujikura. "Some people became influenced by opinions they came across online and became susceptible to misinformation."

Haider-Markel said the spread of QAnon in Japan could be attributed to two primary factors.

"First, the central elements of Q suggest that there is a powerful group of individuals controlling things and that this group threatened children. In a period of great uncertainty, it's helpful to believe that a group of humans is controlling things, even if they are evil," Haider-Markel said.

Secondly, Haider-Markel said conspiracy theories tend to spread in countries that are technologically advanced and wealthy, and where most people have access to smartphones. Such is the case in Japan, where even older people are familiar with using smart devices.

"These devices serve as effective vectors for spreading Q ideas through social media and other forms of communication," Haider-Markel said.

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