Meet two Somerset locals who're stewarding at Glastonbury

Nia and Luke from Bridgwater, stewarding at Glastonbury Festival <i>(Image: Philippa Davies)</i>
Nia and Luke from Bridgwater, stewarding at Glastonbury Festival (Image: Philippa Davies)

Meet Nia and Luke, two of Glastonbury’s countless stewards, who I chatted with in the area near Carhenge,  on the way from the Pyramid Stage to the Theatre and Circus areas.

Well, to be honest, I was lost. I asked them for directions and they were so friendly, I followed up with a few more questions:

What does your work here involve?

Luke: “We are here chaperoning vehicles and all the machinery, keeping the public safe.”

Nia: “There’s a team of us, we’re dotted around a certain unit, a certain circuit, and we change it up, go round, take it in turns.

Do you both live locally?

Luke: “Yes, near Bridgwater, about 20 minutes away.”

And do you do this every year?

Luke: “I’ve done it for three years now.”

Nia: “This is my second year.”

The pair told me they do seven-hour shifts over five days, and are then free to do what they like.

So, you’re obviously very familiar with the festival site – what are your top three things to do in your free time?

Nia: “Definitely go and look around the food stalls, they do lots of great food, go and chill out at the Greenpeace Field and sit by the Pyramid, that’s my top three things.”

Luke: “Pretty much the same really, I quite like the Greenpeace area and all the stalls, and listen to random music and find some music I like.”