Megyn Kelly ‘has crocodile tears for’ Ilhan Omar’s daughter Isra Hirsi arrested at anti-Israel protests

Megyn Kelly blasted Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter, who whined about being left homeless and without food following her arrest for taking part in anti-Israel demonstrations at Columbia University.

Isra Hirsi, the 21-year-old daughter of the progressive “Squad” member, was booted from the dorms at Columbia’s Barnard College after the junior was among the scores of students arrested last week.

“Could you spare me? I’ve only got crocodile tears for this person,” Kelly said during Monday’s episode of her SiriusXM podcast “The Megyn Kelly Show.”

Isra Hirsi, a Barnard College junior, was among scores of Columbia students arrested for taking part in anti-Israel protests. William C Lopez/New York Post
Isra Hirsi, a Barnard College junior, was among scores of Columbia students arrested for taking part in anti-Israel protests. William C Lopez/New York Post
Megyn Kelly had no sympathy for Hirsi’s claims that she was left homeless and without food. YouTube/Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly had no sympathy for Hirsi’s claims that she was left homeless and without food. YouTube/Megyn Kelly

Kelly had no sympathy for Hirsi because she “made herself a public face of these protests.”

“She decides to paint her time there as like, she was basically just kicked out of the last homeless shelter in New York, with no food and no roof over her head,” Kelly said.

Hirsi gave interviews to MSNBC and Teen Vogue after learning she’d been evicted from campus housing and banned from using the dining hall.

“I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go?” she told Teen Vogue. “And also all of my s–t is thrown in a random lot. It’s pretty horrible.”

“I sent them an email like, ‘Hey, I rely on campus for my meals, I rely on my dining plan,’ and they were like, ‘Oh, you can come pick up a prepackaged bag of food,’ a full 48 hours after I was suspended,” she said.

“There was no food support, no nothing.”

Hirsi is pictured among dozens of other Columbia students at the tent encampment on April 18. Robert Miller for NY Post
Hirsi is pictured among dozens of other Columbia students at the tent encampment on April 18. Robert Miller for NY Post
Hirsi is seen being led away in handcuffs by the NYPD. Robert Miller for NY Post
Hirsi is seen being led away in handcuffs by the NYPD. Robert Miller for NY Post
Hirsi is the daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar (left). Getty Images
Hirsi is the daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar (left). Getty Images
Omar said she was “enormously proud” of her daughter. Instagram/Isra Hirsi
Omar said she was “enormously proud” of her daughter. Instagram/Isra Hirsi

Omar (D-Minn.) said she was “enormously proud of her daughter” after her arrest and suspension.

“She has always led with courage and compassion, from organizing a statewide school walkout on the 20th anniversary of Columbine at the age of 15, to leading the biggest youth climate rally at our nation’s Capitol at 16, and now pushing her school to stand against genocide,” Omar said.