Menzies Aviation workers at Edinburgh Airport secure 7.4% wage rise

Ground services crew employed by Menzies Aviation at Edinburgh Airport have accepted a new one-year pay rise of 7.4%.

Around 250 workers - including dispatchers, allocators, airside agents and controllers - will get a deal which increases basic pay by 6.4%.

The overtime rate will be increased to two times the basic hourly pay on key public holidays. An unsociable hours supplement of 50 pence per hour for all hours worked between 11pm and 6am will also be introduced.

The Unite union also secured the introduction of a company sick pay scheme after six months' service, consisting of a maximum of six weeks full pay followed thereafter by six weeks half pay.

Pat McIlvogue, Unite industrial officer, said: “The pay deal with Menzies is a timely reminder to other companies based at Scottish airports that deals can be reached through negotiation.

“The same can’t be said for other companies like ICTS, which we are in dispute with at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports.

“ICTS appears intent on escalating our dispute to strike action, rather than resolving this through talks by making a fair pay offer to our members.”

Around 300 Unite members based in Aberdeen and Glasgow airports employed by ICTS central search are being balloted on strike action in an escalating pay dispute.

The ballots at both airports will close on Monday 1 July. If the ballots are successful, then strike action could start mid-July at the peak of the summer holiday rush.

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