A mermaid who could not swim when she took on the role has saved a scuba diver’s life after finding him unconscious

A professional mermaid who could not swim when she first took on the role has saved a scuba diver’s life after finding him unconscious at sea.

Originally a dancer, Elle Jimenez, 33, of Miami, Florida, now works full time as a mermaid, performing aquatic shows and teaching people to swim with a monofin – or mermaid’s tail – and training them in vital safety and rescue skills.

Elle, who lives with her boyfriend, Darren Leonardi, 34 – who works with Elle to film underwater content, and their son, Oliver, 11, was swimming off Catalina Island, California, in October when she found the diver without a pulse and foaming at the mouth.

Elle works full-time as a mermaid (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle works full-time as a mermaid (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

Springing into action with the help of her team, Elle towed the diver to shore where he was given CPR for 10 minutes before he started breathing again.

Elle said: “There is a misconception about mermaids, I don’t think people realise just how trained we are in lifesaving skills.

“I have never had to perform a real rescue before, only in practice drills, so for me, this incident solidified that our training is vital.”

Elle teaches free diving for other mermaids (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle teaches free diving for other mermaids (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

She added: “I was very glad to hear that the diver is now okay.”

Elle first became a professional mermaid in 2016 after working as a performer.

She said: “I’ve always wanted to be on stage, dancing and acting. After high school, I went to a couple of dance companies and picked up work. I was even in a Kanye West and Kid Sister music video for the song Pro Nails.

Prior to becoming a mermaid, Elle worked as a dancer and performer (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Prior to becoming a mermaid, Elle worked as a dancer and performer (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

She added: “I started performing as a background dancer at events in Miami, mostly corporate or weddings. We’d do Latin dancing and circus performing acts.”

But in 2016, one client asked Elle if she could perform as a mermaid for his daughter’s birthday party.

“I’d seen mermaids at parties before, they were always sat at the poolside, but this client wanted it to be realistic,” she said.

Elle teaches people how to swim and dive with a monofin (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle teaches people how to swim and dive with a monofin (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

She added: “The only problem was that I couldn’t swim.

“But I’m not a person who believes in fears and obstacles so I booked swimming lessons in order to do the job.

“After that, I wanted to further my training and took on scuba diving lessons.”

Elle travels around the US to teach her mermaid courses (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle travels around the US to teach her mermaid courses (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

Since then, Elle joined Padi, a diving organisation, as a mermaid instructor and now teaches monofin diving and swimming skills.

She said: “It’s great to be able to pass on safety and training skills and I travel all over the country for my job.

“That’s how I ended up being in California in October.”

Elle and her team towed the diver back to shore where he was given CPR (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle and her team towed the diver back to shore where he was given CPR (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

It was during a work trip to Catalina Island on October 23 that Elle found an unconscious diver in the water.

She said: “I was doing an open water session with four students. Darren was with me as the underwater photographer, and I also had my safety diver Chin Burger.

“It’s a hotspot for diving so there were a lot of other people scuba diving in the area too.”

Elle’s rescue training proved vital when she heard cries for help in open water (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle’s rescue training proved vital when she heard cries for help in open water (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

She added: “We were quite far from the shore when I surfaced and heard someone shouting for help.”

Elle recalled seeing two divers in distress.

She said: “I finned over to them with my team and could see that there was a third diver who was unconscious and foaming at the mouth.”

Elle has been a professional mermaid since 2016 (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle has been a professional mermaid since 2016 (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

She added: “I suspected he had an air embolism, where air bubbles form in the blood vessels.

“I started removing his weights and equipment because it was making it difficult to keep him above the surface.

“I picked up the weights, which must have been about 35lb, and it immediately pulled me under. I had to let it go into the depths to stop myself from drowning.”

Elle could not swim when she was first asked to perform as a mermaid (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle could not swim when she was first asked to perform as a mermaid (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

She added: “As a team, we towed the diver to the shore and started doing compressions.”

Elle said it was tense as they waited for the diver to regain consciousness.

She said: “He wasn’t breathing and he had no pulse. One of my students, who is a paramedic, was doing compressions for about 10 minutes but it felt like forever before he started breathing again.”

Elle was diving off the coast of Catalina Island in California when she found the unconscious diver (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle was diving off the coast of Catalina Island in California when she found the unconscious diver (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

She added: “It was a few hours before he woke up and finding out that he was okay was such a relief.”

The diver, Pablo Aliva, was on holiday in Catalina Island from Argentina when he started struggling with his breathing equipment.

After being rescued by the mermaids, he was taken to a decompression chamber for treatment and has since recovered.

Elle says mermaids are underestimated (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
Elle says mermaids are underestimated (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

Elle said: “It’s amazing to know that he’s doing okay and the reaction from other people has been very nice.”

Elle said her son is also proud of her.

“He’s 11 so I think he finds a lot of the mermaid stuff embarrassing or cringy but he finds the rescue very cool,” she said.

The mum now instructs diving and safety courses (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)
The mum now instructs diving and safety courses (Nativ Productions/PA Real Life)

She added: “It’s something he’s told his friends about and is proud of me for.

“The rescue has given a whole new meaning to the Padi programme because if I hadn’t been trained properly, I wouldn’t have been able to help the diver.

“I think people underestimate what it means to be a mermaid but we’re free divers and trained in sea rescue.

“I’m just so glad that the diver is okay.”