Met Office breaks silence on bank holiday weekend weather forecast

There may be sunnier weather on its way to Yorkshire
There may be sunnier weather on its way to Yorkshire -Credit:Andrew Robinson

The Met Office has said there will be a north south divide over the coming bank holiday weekend - with rain more likely for one half of the country than the other.

The Early May bank holiday officially falls on Monday, May 6, with most people taking advantage of the longer weekend from Saturday, May 4 onwards. But will it be another complete wash out? Or will we get the opportunity to make the most of the sunshine?

According to meteorologists at the Met Office, it will be a tale of two halves. While weather conditions are likely to be unsettled across the whole of the country, with warm and cloudy periods expected, rain showers are more likely to occur in the south of the UK.

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While it’s looking like it might stay dry in Yorkshire for the long-weekend it’s not set in stone. Forecasters have said it remains unclear whether or not a more unsettled spell will move in from the west, bringing with it fresh winds and bands of rain mid-weekend.

In Yorkshire, temperatures over the bank holiday weekend are predicted to reach highs of 17C. Scroll below to read the Met Office long range forecast for the UK this bank holiday weekend, and into the start of May.

Saturday May 4 to Monday May 13

A fairly uncertain period through the bank holiday weekend with more likely a warm but cloudy period with bright spells, greatest in the north and showers more likely in the south. However there is also potential for a more unsettled spell to spread from the west with fresh winds and bands of rain mid-weekend, signals still unclear regarding this.

Into the new week all areas are likely to see a mixture of showery periods or spells of rain, though generally drier conditions expected. Overall, southern parts of the UK will probably be driest and sunniest with a north-westerly wind most likely bringing more changeable conditions across the north or northwest. Temperatures should remain close to or a little above normal for early May.

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