Met Office reveals exactly when Nottingham heatwave will end as rainfall looms

Pictured is a hot and sunny Victoria Embankment in Nottingham
A hot and sunny Victoria Embankment in Nottingham -Credit:Nottingham Post

The Met Office has confirmed the time that the mini Nottingham heatwave will end - hinting that the weekend sunshine could be swiftly swapped for rainfall before Monday, May 11. Many in the city and across the county will have enjoyed a warm, sunny start to the weekend, but this is set to end on Monday.

The roaring sunshine was prominent on Saturday morning, with temperatures in excess of 22C seen across the region. Sunday is also expected to be hot and sunny throughout the day until around 6pm, when rainfall is expected.

Despite some showers, temperatures are still expected to remain around the 19C mark before dropping to 15C on Monday evening, when we will get showers that will remain until Thursday. A statement from the Met Office reads: "On Sunday, low clouds and fog will lift and clear from the East Midlands, providing an otherwise bright and warm day.

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"On Monday, things will turn cooler, with showers possible throughout the day and persistent rain is expected on Tuesday and Wednesday." Speaking ahead of the heatwave earlier this week, Met Office meteorologist, Greg Dewhurst, said: “If you are outside in the sunshine, stay hydrated and wear sun protection.

"There will be warm and humid nights throughout the heatwave and some people may find it uncomfortable to sleep."

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