Met Office Yorkshire weather forecast today with thundery showers

Thunderstorms are expected in Yorkshire this week
-Credit: (Image: James Cook)

It is set to be a wet and windy day across Yorkshire as voters from across the county head out to the polls.

The Met Office has forecast heavy rain, thundery showers and “unseasonably” strong winds across the county on Thursday, July 4. And sadly the rain is set to stick around, with more wet, windy and thundery conditions forecast as we head into the weekend.

The weather forecast for Yorkshire on Thursday, according to the Met Office, is: "Sunny spells and showers, which may be heavy at times with a risk of thunder. Unseasonably strong winds, likely touching gale force over the Pennines. Maximum temperature 18C."

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While the wind is set to ease on Friday, the chance of blustery showers and thunderstorms will remain. The Met Office forecast for Yorkshire between Friday, July 5, and Sunday, July 7, is: “Hazy sunshine and isolated showers Friday with winds easing. Sunny spells and blustery showers on Saturday and Sunday, perhaps heavy with a risk of thunder. Rather cool, warm in sunshine.”

From Monday onwards (July 8), a period of unsettled and changeable weather conditions are expected. Much of the county will see strong winds and showers, before conditions finally become more settled - and temperatures return to average - in the following week.

The Met Office long range weather forecast for the UK between Monday, July 8, and Wednesday, July 17, is: “The unsettled and changeable theme is expected to continue through the majority of this period. Cloud and rain-bearing systems will cross the UK from the west or southwest at times, accompanied by periods of stronger winds, but there are likely to be drier interludes too, with the best of the more settled weather in the east.

“With a generally southerly wind direction, temperatures are expected to rise back to the July norm from the cool beginning to the week, with the potential for wafts of warm continental air to affect the southeast at times. Into the second week, there are tentative signs that conditions could gradually become a bit more settled, though temperatures are likely to remain around average overall.”

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