Met Police officer who manhandled woman over bus fare guilty of assault

Pc Perry Lathwood arriving at City Of London magistrates' court
Pc Perry Lathwood arriving at City Of London magistrates' court - Victoria Jones/PA

A Metropolitan Police Officer found guilty of assaulting a woman in front of her young son after wrongly believing she had not paid her bus fare “overreacted,” a judge has said.

Pc Perry Lathwood, 50, of Norman’s Bay, East Sussex, grabbed Jocelyn Agyemang by the arm, causing bruises, during the arrest on July 21 last year in Croydon, south London.

Ms Agyemang was dropping her son off at her mother’s house before heading to an appointment in Marylebone scheduled for 12.30pm.

Police officers were helping ticket inspectors on a bus in Croydon at the time.

After she and her son disembarked the bus at around 11am, she was asked to show she had paid her fare by a bus inspector.

At Westminster magistrates’ court on Friday, Deputy Senior District Judge Tan Ikram ruled it was “not necessary” for Lathwood to “grab the woman’s arm, arrest her and handcuff her”.

‘Error of judgment’

He continued: “She was difficult... but there were not reasonable grounds to suggest arrest was necessary.

“The officer made an error of judgment and overreacted. Handcuffing inflamed the situation even further.

“I find you guilty of assault.”

Lathwood, who wore a blue checked suit in the dock, did not react as the judge gave his verdict.

A screen grab taken from body worn camera footage of the encounter between Pc Lathwood and Jocelyn Agyemang
A screen grab taken from body worn camera footage of the incident involving between Pc Lathwood and Jocelyn Agyemang

Mr Ikram said Lathwood’s claims that he acted to protect Ms Agyemang’s child were “fanciful” and that he “simply did not believe him”.

“The officer’s evidence lacked all credibility,” he added.

Paul Jarvis, prosecuting, told the court that Lathwood had put a hand on the woman, but she moved away, so he then grabbed her arm and arrested her for fare evasion.

It was confirmed that Ms Agyemang had paid her fare and she was de-arrested at the scene.

Ms Agyemang said she felt “violated” by the incident.

“I just felt like they did not care,” she said. “I just felt a bit degraded because I had not done anything wrong.”

Matt Twist, the Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner ,said the verdict presented a “huge setback to our ability to rebuild trust with Londoners”.

Rick Prior, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, said: “The Metropolitan Police Federation notes the decision of the court in the PC Perry Lathwood case. We are now considering our legal options.

“Police officers have no issue with scrutiny and accounting for their actions and use of force but this has to take into account the dynamic and split-second challenges we face and the reality of our role.

“Colleagues across London – keeping the capital safe as you read this – will be discouraged, dismayed and disheartened today.

“And worried that they too can be handed a criminal conviction for doing the roles the public and society expects of them. for doing their job.”