Make Meta and other technology giants clean up social media

Meta and social media platforms need to do more to protect children -Credit:Getty Images
Meta and social media platforms need to do more to protect children -Credit:Getty Images

The Record has been at the forefront of exposing the harmful content young people are exposed to on social media.

Meta, X and other platforms continue to be super-spreaders of hateful posts and images and damaging content on self-harm.

These multi-nationals insist they are doing enough but the testimony of parents tells a different story.

Now, a former Meta worker has blown the whistle to say his former employer is not doing enough.

Arturo Béjar said the firm has “extraordinary” expertise and could easily stop recommending harmful content to young people.

He went further by claiming that if Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg decided to make his platforms “free of self-harm content” it could happen within months.

The fact this vile content still appears is a damning indictment on the company.

The extent of parental concern is revealed in a new survey which shows a majority believe in a 30-minute limit on screen time for young kids.

Some 60 per cent of parents think under-5s should spend less than half an hour looking at screens per day.

One in four said children under five should be banned from looking at screens completely.

The time has come for Big Tech to stop sitting on its hands and act in the collective interest.

If they were as liable for their content as media firms are, Meta and other platforms would be cleaned up instantly.

An incoming Labour Government should seriously consider legislation to stop more lives from being wrecked.

Force savings

Police officers were paid £3million in overtime last year to attend court.

As witnesses to crime, their evidence can be crucial in making sure perpetrators are locked up and our streets are safer.

But figures revealed today that perhaps only 15 per cent of those officers actually give evidence.

No wonder Scotland’s chief constable is concerned about inefficiencies in the Scottish judicial system compared to England.

A huge overtime bill for police officers to appear in court can only be justified if their presence is needed.

Clearly, it is not always the case that officers have to be called to give evidence.

The public would much rather see savings in overtime payments that could go on employing more officers and cut crime.

In this one area alone, millions could be saved by finding a more efficient way of working.

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